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Oracle® Spatial Developer's Guide
Release 2 (11.2)
Part Number E11830-04
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List of Examples
1-1 Inserting Texture Coordinate Definitions
1-2 Creating Tables for Texture Coordinates, Textures, and Surfaces
2-1 Simple Example: Inserting, Indexing, and Querying Spatial Data
2-2 SDO_GEOMETRY Methods
2-3 SDO_GEOMETRY Constructors to Create Geometries
2-4 SDO_TIN Attribute in a Query
2-5 SDO_PC Attribute in a Query
2-6 SQL Statement to Insert a Rectangle
2-7 SQL Statement to Insert a Polygon with a Hole
2-8 SQL Statement to Insert a Compound Line String
2-9 SQL Statement to Insert a Compound Polygon
2-10 SQL Statement to Insert a Point-Only Geometry
2-11 Query for Point-Only Geometry Based on a Coordinate Value
2-12 SQL Statement to Insert an Oriented Point Geometry
2-13 SQL Statement to Insert an Oriented Multipoint Geometry
2-14 SQL Statement to Insert a Geometry with a Type 0 Element
2-15 SQL Statements to Insert Various Two-Dimensional Geometries
2-16 SQL Statements to Insert Three-Dimensional Geometries
2-17 Updating Metadata and Creating Indexes for 3-Dimensional Geometries
2-18 Creating and Using a User-Defined Unit of Measurement
3-1 Using the ST_GEOMETRY Type for a Spatial Column
3-2 Creating, Indexing, Storing, and Querying ST_GEOMETRY Data
3-3 Using the ST_ANNOTATION_TEXT Constructor
4-1 Control File for a Bulk Load of Cola Market Geometries
4-2 Control File for a Bulk Load of Polygons
4-3 Control File for a Bulk Load of Point-Only Data
4-4 Procedure to Perform a Transactional Insert Operation
4-5 PL/SQL Block Invoking a Procedure to Insert a Geometry
5-1 Primary Filter with a Temporary Query Window
5-2 Primary Filter with a Transient Instance of the Query Window
5-3 Primary Filter with a Stored Query Window
5-4 Secondary Filter Using a Temporary Query Window
5-5 Secondary Filter Using a Stored Query Window
6-1 Using a Geodetic MBR
6-2 Three-Dimensional Datum Transformation
6-3 Transformation Between Geoidal And Ellipsoidal Height
6-4 Cross-Dimensionality Transformation
6-5 Creating a User-Defined Geodetic Coordinate Reference System
6-6 Inserting a Row into the SDO_COORD_SYS Table
6-7 Creating a User-Defined Projected Coordinate Reference System
6-8 Inserting a Row into the SDO_COORD_OPS Table
6-9 Inserting a Row into the SDO_COORD_OP_PARAM_VALS Table
6-10 Creating a User-Defined Projected CRS: Extended Example
6-11 Creating a Vertical Coordinate Reference System
6-12 Creating a Compound Coordinate Reference System
6-13 Creating a Geographic 3D Coordinate Reference System
6-14 Creating a Transformation Operation
6-15 Loading Offset Matrixes
6-16 Simplified Example of Coordinate System Transformation
6-17 Output of SELECT Statements in Coordinate System Transformation Example
7-1 Including LRS Measure Dimension in Spatial Metadata
7-2 Simplified Example: Highway
7-3 Simplified Example: Output of SELECT Statements
10-1 WSConfig.xml File
11-1 Geocoding, Returning Address Object and Specific Attributes
11-2 Geocoding from a Place Name and Country
11-3 Geocoding from a Place Name, Country, and Other Fields
11-4 Required Indexes on Tables for Geocoding
11-5 Modified geocodercfg.xml File
11-6 Geocoding Request (XML API)
11-7 Geocoding Response (XML API)
13-1 Route Request with Specified Addresses
13-2 Route Response with Specified Addresses
13-3 Route Request with Specified Longitude/Latitude Points
13-4 Route Response with Specified Longitude/Latitude Points
13-5 Route Request with Previously Geocoded Locations
13-6 Route Response with Previously Geocoded Locations
13-7 Batch Route Request with Specified Addresses
13-8 Batch Route Response with Specified Addresses
13-9 Batch Route Request with Previously Geocoded Locations
13-10 Batch Route Response with Previously Geocoded Locations
14-1 OpenLS Geocoding Request
14-2 OpenLS Geocoding Response
14-3 OpenLS Mapping Request
14-4 OpenLS Mapping Response
14-5 OpenLS Routing Request
14-6 OpenLS Routing Response
14-7 OpenLS Directory Service (YP) Request
14-8 OpenLS Directory Service (YP) Response
15-1 GetCapabilities Request
15-2 GetCapabilities Response
15-3 DescribeFeatureType Request
15-4 DescribeFeatureType Response
15-5 GetFeature Request
15-6 GetFeature Response
15-7 GetFeatureWithLock Request
15-8 GetFeatureWithLock Response
15-9 LockFeature Request
15-10 LockFeature Response
15-11 Insert Request
15-12 Insert Response
15-13 Update Request
15-14 Update Response
15-15 Delete Request
15-16 Delete Response
16-1 GetCapabilities Request
16-2 GetCapabilities Response
16-3 DescribeRecord Request
16-4 DescribeRecord Response
16-5 GetRecords Request
16-6 GetRecords Response
16-7 GetDomain Request
16-8 GetDomain Response
16-9 GetRecordById Request
16-10 GetRecordById Response
16-11 Insert Request
16-12 Insert Response
16-13 Update Request
16-14 Update Response
16-15 Delete Request
16-16 Delete Response
C-1 Finding All Cities Within a Distance of a Highway
C-2 Finding All Highways Within a Distance of a City
C-3 Finding the Cities Nearest to a Highway
C-4 Finding the Cities Above a Specified Population Nearest to a Highway
C-5 Aggregate Union with Groupings for Many Rows
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