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Oracle® Database Gateway for APPC User's Guide
11g Release 2 (11.2)

Part Number E12071-02
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6 PG4TCPMAP Commands (TCP/IP Only)

This chapter contains the commands and instructions necessary to operate the pg4tcpmap tool. This tool allows relevant parameters to map to a gateway using TCP/IP support for IMS Connect. The tool will be used to populate the PGA_TCP_IMSC table.

This chapter contains the following sections:

6.1 Preparation for Populating the PGA_TCP_IMSC Table

If your gateway is using TCP/IP support for IMS Connect, then you must use the pg4tcpmap tool to prompt PGAINIT to provide the required TCP/IP parameters as input.

The pg4tcpmap tool must be run before executing any PL/SQL gateway statements in order to populate the PGA_TCP_IMSC table, which utilizes the corresponding TIPs.

Note that you do not need to rerun the pg4tcpmap tool for additional IMS transactions if they share the same IMS Connect attributes.

The PGA_TCP_IMSC table was created when you executed the %ORACLE_HOME%\\dg4appc\\admin\pgaimsc.sql script on Microsoft Windows or $ORACLE_HOME/dg4appc/admin/pgaimsc.sql script on UNIX based systems during your gateway configuration. If you need further information about creating the PGA_TCP_IMSC table, then depending on your platform, refer to Chapter 13 of the Oracle Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64 or Chapter 10 of Oracle Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows .

6.2 Overview

In a PGAINIT procedure call, the user must specify a Side Profile Name and TP Name. The values of these parameters will be inserted into a table named PGA_TCP_IMSC.

Configure userid and password before running gateway mapping tool

Before executing the pg4tcpmap tool, you must configure a valid userid and password and TNSNAMES alias for the Oracle database where the PGA_TCP_IMSC table resides. You must specify the userid, password, and database in the PGA_TCP_USER, PGA_TCP_PASS, and PGA_TCP_DB parameters, respectively, located in the gateway initialization file %ORACLE_HOME%\\dg4appc\\admin\initsid.ora for Microsoft Windows and $ORACLE_HOME/dg4appc/admin/initsid.ora for UNIX based systems.

6.3 Populating the PGA_TCP_IMSC Table

Table 6-1 describes the parameter information contained in the column names, types and contents column found in the PGA_TCP_IMSC table.

Table 6-1 PGA_TCP_IMSC Table Columns

Column Name Type Content



This parameter has no SNA implication. It is simply a name that is defined in the .ctl file for the PGAU utility. It represents a group of IMS transactions with similar IMS Connect attributes, such as time delay, socket type and IMS subsystem ID.

Unique index.


varchar2(169) NOT NULL

The OLTP TCP/IP address or the hostname.


varchar2(17) NOT NULL

The OLTP port number.


char(1) NOT NULL

ANDRS specifies whether the client is sending:

A = ACK: Positive Acknowledgement;

N = NAK: Negative Acknowledgement;

D = DEALLOCATE: Deallocate Connection;


S = SENDONLY: Send only Acknowledgment or Deallocate.

blank: no request for Acknowledgement or Deallocate.

The default is "blank".


char(1) NOT NULL

Time delay for the receive to the datastore after an ACK or RESUME TPIPE:

D = default value X'00' .25 second;

S = short wait X'01' through X'19': 01 to .25 second

N = No Wait occurs

I = Receive waits indefinitely.

The default is "D".


char(1) NOT NULL

Socket Connection Type

T = Transaction Socket:

P = Persistent Socket

N = Non-persistent Socket

The default is "T".


char(8) NOT NULL

Specifies the name of the client ID that is used by IMS Connect. The default is 'null'.


char(1) NOT NULL

It specifies the commit mode:

0 = the commit mode is 0;

1 = the commit mode is 1

The default is "1".


char(8) NOT NULL

Specifies the datastore names (IMS subsystem ID) 8 bytes.

This parameter must be specified.


char(8) NOT NULL

Specifies the IMS LTERM override. The default is "blank".


char(8) NOT NULL

Specifies the RACF group name.

The default is "blank".

You need to specify the RACF group name if you have set PGA_SECURITY_TYPE to PROGRAM.

Refer to "PGA_SECURITY_TYPE" in Table B-1 "PGA Parameters on Gateway Using TCP/IP for IMS Connect" in the Oracle Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64 or Oracle Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows..

Refer to "TCP/IP Security Option SECURITY=PROGRAM" in Chapter 14 of the Oracle Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64 or Chapter 11 of the Oracle Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows to learn more about how to set the RACF userid and RACF password.


char(8) NOT NULL

Specifes the IMS Connect user exit IRM ID. If you do not specify this parameter it will default to IRMREQ, corresponding to the IBM HWSIMSO0 sample user exit.


char(1) NOT NULL

Specifies whether the IMS Connect user exit return data includes the LLLL (total length) prefix field or not. Supported values are:

Y - the exit return data includes the LLLL prefix field

N - the exit return data does not include the LLLL prefix field

The default value is N.

6.4 Before You Run the pg4tcpmap Tool

Follow these steps to prepare for running the pg4tcpmap tool before you run the gateway.

  1. Set the ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID for the Oracle database.

  2. Make certain that the user, PGAADMIN, has been created in the Oracle database and you can talk to the database. Issue

    %ORACLE_HOME%\\dg4appc\\admin\pgacr8au.sql on Microsoft Windows.


    $ORACLE_HOME/dg4appc/admin/pgacr8au.sql on UNIX based systems.

  3. The initsid.ora file must contain appropriate parameters. Set the following parameters:



    • PGA_TCP_DB

    • If you intend to enable the tracing, you will also need to set the following parameters:

      • TRACE_LEVEL=255

      • LOG_DESTINATION=<valid directory>

      Refer to Chapter 8, "Troubleshooting" for information about tracing.

  4. Make certain that the PGA_TCP_IMSC table has been created. Issue:

    %ORACLE_HOME%\\dg4appc\\admin\pgaimsc.sql on Microsoft Windows.


    $ORACLE_HOME/dg4appc/admin/pgaimsc.sql on UNIX based systems.

Figure 6-1 illustrates the relationship between the gateway, the database and the pg4tcpmap tool in mapping the Side Profile Name to TCP/IP and IMS Connect attributes in the PGA_TCP_IMSC table.

Figure 6-1 Mapping SNA Parameters to TCP/IP Using the pg4tcpmap Tool

Description of Figure 6-1 follows
Description of "Figure 6-1 Mapping SNA Parameters to TCP/IP Using the pg4tcpmap Tool"

A copy of the screen output file for the pg4tcpmap tool is located in Appendix B, "Gateway Initialization Parameters for TCP/IP Communication Protocol" in the Oracle Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64 or Oracle Database Gateway for APPC Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows.

An example of a trace file from a sample pg4tcpmap execution can be found in Chapter 8, "Troubleshooting".

6.5 pg4tcpmap Tool Commands

There are two commands for the pg4tcpmap tool:

6.5.1 Inserting a Row into the PGA_TCP_IMSC Table

For Microsoft Windows, issue the following command from the gateway Oracle home %ORACLE_HOME%\bin directory:

C:\> pg4tcpmap 

For UNIX based systems, issue the following command from the gateway Oracle home $ORACLE_HOME/bin directory:

$ pg4tcpmap 

The gateway release number, copyright information, along with the following text appears:

This tool takes the IMS Connect TCP/IP information, such as host name and port number, and maps them to your TIPs.

You may use this tool to insert or delete IMS Connect TCP/IP information. 
If you want to insert a row, Type "I"
If you want to delete a row, type "D"

Enter <i>, and after that, you need only enter the required parameters.

6.5.2 Deleting Rows from the PGA_TCP_IMSC Table

For Microsoft Windows, issue the following command from the gateway Oracle home %ORACLE_HOME%\bin directory:

C:\> pg4tcpmap 

For UNIX based systems, issue the following command from the gateway Oracle home $ORACLE_HOME/bin directory:

$ pg4tcpmap 

The gateway release number, copyright information, along with the following text appears:

This tool takes the IMS Connect TCP/IP information, such as host name and port number, and maps them to your TIPs.

You may use this tool to insert or delete IMS Connect TCP/IP information. 
If you want to insert a row, Type "I"
If you want to delete a row, type "D"

Enter <d>, and the pg4tcpmap tool will ask you what Side Profile Name you want to delete.

If the row does not exist, you will receive an ORA-1403 error message.


Do not use SQL*Plus to update the PGA_TCP_IMSC table. If you have problems or incorrect data in the table, use %ORACLE_HOME%\\dg4appc\\admin\pgaimsc.sql on Microsoft Windows or $ORACLE_HOME/dg4appc/admin/pgaimsc.sql on UNIX based systems to re-create the table and its index.

6.5.3 Querying the PGA_TCP_IMSC Table

Use the regular SQL*Plus select statement to query the table.

Example for Microsoft Windows:

C:\> sqlplus userid/password@databasename 
SQL> column hostname format A22
SQL> column portnumber format A6
SQL> select sideprofilename, hostname,portnumber,imsdestid,commitmode from

SIDEPROF           HOSTNAME                PORTNU    IMSDESTI    C
---------------    ----------------------  ------    --------    -
IMSPGA             MVS08.US.ORACLE.COM     9900      IMSE        1

Example for UNIX based systems:

$ sqlplus userid/password@databasename 
SQL> column hostname format A22
SQL> column portnumber format A6
SQL> select sideprofilename, hostname,portnumber,imsdestid,commitmode from

SIDEPROF           HOSTNAME                PORTNU    IMSDESTI    C
---------------    ----------------------  ------    --------    -
IMSPGA             MVS08.US.ORACLE.COM     9900      IMSE        1