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Oracle® Clusterware Administration and Deployment Guide
Release 2 (11.2)
Part Number E10717-04
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What's New in Oracle Clusterware Administration and Deployment?
Introduction to Oracle Clusterware
What is Oracle Clusterware?
Oracle Clusterware Hardware Concepts and Requirements
Oracle Clusterware Operating System Concepts and Requirements
Oracle Clusterware Software Concepts and Requirements
Oracle Clusterware Network Configuration Concepts
Implementing GNS
Single Client Access Name (SCAN)
Configuring Addresses Manually
Upgrading Oracle Clusterware
Overview of Oracle Clusterware Platform-Specific Software Components
The Oracle Clusterware Stack
The Cluster Ready Services Stack
The Oracle High Availability Services Stack
Overview of Installing Oracle Clusterware
Oracle Clusterware Version Compatibility
Overview of Managing Oracle Clusterware Environments
Overview of Cloning and Extending Oracle Clusterware in Grid Environments
Overview of the Oracle Clusterware High Availability Framework and APIs
Administering Oracle Clusterware
Cluster Time Management
Configuration and Installation for IPMI Node Fencing
About Using IPMI for Node Fencing
About Node-termination Escalation with IPMI
Configuring Server Hardware for IPMI
Network Requirements for IPMI
IPMI Driver
About BMC Configuration
BMC Configuration Example Using ipmitool on Linux
BMC Configuration Example Using ipmiutil on Windows 2003 R2
Postinstallation Configuration of IPMI-based Failure Isolation Using crsctl
IPMI Postinstallation Registration with Oracle Clusterware
Modifying Configurations with IPMI Postinstallation Configuration Utility
Policy-Based Cluster and Capacity Management
Overview of Server Pools and Policy-based Management
Server Attributes Assigned by Oracle Clusterware
Understanding Server Pools
How Server Pools Work
The Free Server Pool
The Generic Server Pool
How Oracle Clusterware Assigns Servers to Server Pools
Servers Moving from Server Pool to Server Pool
How Oracle Clusterware Assigns New Servers
Role-separated Management
About Role-separated Management
Managing Cluster Administrators in the Cluster
Configuring Horizontal Role Separation
Voting Disk, Oracle Cluster Registry, and Oracle Local Registry
About Voting Disks, Oracle Cluster Registry, and Oracle Local Registry
Managing Voting Disks
Storing Voting Disks on Oracle ASM
Backing Up Voting Disks
Restoring Voting Disks
Adding, Deleting, or Migrating Voting Disks
Managing the Oracle Cluster Registry and Oracle Local Registries
Migrating Oracle Cluster Registry to Oracle Automatic Storage Management
Adding, Replacing, Repairing, and Removing Oracle Cluster Registry Locations
Backing Up Oracle Cluster Registry
Restoring Oracle Cluster Registry
Diagnosing Oracle Cluster Registry Problems
Administering Oracle Cluster Registry with Oracle Cluster Registry Export and Import Commands
Oracle Local Registry
Upgrading and Downgrading the Oracle Cluster Registry Configuration
Changing Network Addresses on Manually Configured Networks
Understanding When You Must Configure Network Addresses
Understanding SCAN Addresses and Client Service Connections
Changing the Virtual IP Addresses
Changing Oracle Clusterware Private Network Configuration
About Private Networks, Network Interfaces, and Network Adapters
Consequences of Changing Interface Names Using OIFCFG
Changing or Deleting a Network Interface From a Cluster Configuration File
Changing the Network Adapter for the Interconnect
Cloning Oracle Clusterware to Create a Cluster
Introduction to Cloning Oracle Clusterware
Preparing the Oracle Grid Infrastructure Home for Cloning
Step 1: Install Oracle Clusterware
Step 2: Shut Down Running Software
Step 3: Create a Copy of the Oracle Grid Infrastructure Home
Creating a Cluster by Cloning Oracle Clusterware
Step 1: Prepare the New Cluster Nodes
Step 2: Deploy Oracle Clusterware on the Destination Nodes
Step 3: Run the Script on Each Destination Node
Supplying input to the script on the command line
Supplying Input to the Script in a File
Step 4: Prepare the crsconfig_params File on All Nodes
Step 5: Run the Script on Each Node
Step 6: Run the GRID_HOME/ and Scripts
Step 7: Run the Configuration Assistants and the Oracle Cluster Verification Utility
Locating and Viewing Log Files Generated During Cloning
Adding and Deleting Cluster Nodes
Prerequisite Steps for Adding Cluster Nodes
Adding and Deleting Cluster Nodes on Linux and UNIX Systems
Adding a Cluster Node on Linux and UNIX Systems
Deleting a Cluster Node on Linux and UNIX Systems
Making Applications Highly Available Using Oracle Clusterware
Oracle Clusterware Resources and Agents
Resource Type
Building an Agent
Registering a Resource in Oracle Clusterware
Overview of Using Oracle Clusterware to Enable High Availability
Resource Attributes
Resource State
Resource Dependencies
Start Dependencies
Stop Dependencies
Resource Placement
Registering an Application as a Resource
Creating an Application VIP Managed by Oracle Clusterware
Adding User-defined Resources
Adding a Resource to a Top Level Server Pool
Adding a Resource Using a Server-specific Deployment
Adding Resources Using Oracle Enterprise Manager
Changing Resource Permissions
Application Placement Policies
Unregistering Applications and Application Resources
Using Oracle Clusterware Commands
Registering Application Resources
Starting Application Resources
Starting an Application on an Unavailable Server
Relocating Applications and Application Resources
Stopping Applications and Application Resources
Displaying Clusterware Application and Application Resource Status Information
Managing Automatic Oracle Clusterware Resource Operations
Preventing Automatic Restarts
Automatically Manage Restart Attempts Counter for Resources
Cluster Verification Utility Reference
About Cluster Verification Utility
Operational Notes
Special Topics
Cluster Verification Utility Command Reference
cluvfy comp acfs
cluvfy comp admprv
cluvfy comp asm
cluvfy comp cfs
cluvfy comp clocksync
cluvfy comp clu
cluvfy comp clumgr
cluvfy comp crs
cluvfy comp gns
cluvfy comp gpnp
cluvfy comp ha
cluvfy comp nodeapp
cluvfy comp nodecon
cluvfy comp nodereach
cluvfy comp ocr
cluvfy comp ohasd
cluvfy comp olr
cluvfy comp peer
cluvfy comp scan
cluvfy comp software
cluvfy comp space
cluvfy comp ssa
cluvfy comp sys
cluvfy comp vdisk
cluvfy stage [-pre | -post] cfs
cluvfy stage [-pre | -post] crsinst
cluvfy stage -pre dbcfg
cluvfy stage -pre dbinst
cluvfy stage [-pre | -post] hacfg
cluvfy stage -post hwos
cluvfy stage [-pre | -post] nodeadd
cluvfy stage -post nodedel
cluvfy stage [-pre | -post] acfscfg
Troubleshooting and Diagnostic Output for CVU
Enabling Tracing
Known Issues for the Cluster Verification Utility
Database Versions Supported by Cluster Verification Utility
Linux Shared Storage Accessibility (ssa) Check Reports Limitations
Shared Disk Discovery on Red Hat Linux
Oracle Clusterware Resource Reference
Resource Attributes
Configurable Resource Attributes
Read-Only Resource Attributes
Third-Party Applications Using the Script Agent
OLSNODES Command Reference
Operational Notes
Summary of the OLSNODES Command
Oracle Interface Configuration Tool (OIFCFG) Command Reference
Starting the OIFCFG Command-Line Interface
Summary of the OIFCFG Usage
CRSCTL Utility Reference
CRSCTL Overview
Clusterized (Cluster Aware) Commands
Operational Notes
Deprecated Subprograms or Commands
CRSCTL Command Reference
Dual Environment CRSCTL Commands
crsctl add resource
crsctl add type
crsctl check css
crsctl delete resource
crsctl delete type
crsctl get hostname
crsctl getperm resource
crsctl getperm type
crsctl modify resource
crsctl modify type
crsctl setperm resource
crsctl setperm type
crsctl start resource
crsctl status resource
crsctl status type
crsctl stop resource
Oracle RAC Environment CRSCTL Commands
crsctl add crs administrator
crsctl add css votedisk
crsctl add serverpool
crsctl check cluster
crsctl check crs
crsctl check resource
crsctl check ctss
crsctl config crs
crsctl delete crs administrator
crsctl delete css votedisk
crsctl delete node
crsctl delete serverpool
crsctl disable crs
crsctl enable crs
crsctl get css
crsctl get css ipmiaddr
crsctl get nodename
crsctl getperm serverpool
crsctl lsmodules
crsctl modify serverpool
crsctl pin css
crsctl query crs administrator
crsctl query crs activeversion
crsctl query crs releaseversion
crsctl query crs softwareversion
crsctl query css ipmidevice
crsctl query css votedisk
crsctl relocate resource
crsctl relocate server
crsctl replace discoverystring
crsctl replace votedisk
crsctl set css
crsctl set css ipmiaddr
crsctl set css ipmiadmin
crsctl setperm serverpool
crsctl start cluster
crsctl start crs
crsctl status server
crsctl status serverpool
crsctl stop cluster
crsctl stop crs
crsctl unpin css
crsctl unset css
Oracle Restart Environment CRSCTL Commands
crsctl check has
crsctl config has
crsctl disable has
crsctl enable has
crsctl query has releaseversion
crsctl query has softwareversion
crsctl start has
crsctl stop has
Troubleshooting and Diagnostic Output
Dynamic Debugging
crsctl set log
crsctl set trace
Component Level Debugging
Enabling Debugging for CRS, CSS, and EVM Modules
Creating an Initialization File to Contain the Debugging Level
Enabling Additional Tracing for Oracle Clusterware High Availability
Enabling Debugging for Oracle Clusterware Resources
Oracle Clusterware C Application Program Interfaces
About the Programming Interface (C API) to Oracle Clusterware
Interactive CLSCRS APIs
Non-Interactive CLSCRS APIs
Managing the Oracle Cluster Registry
OCRCONFIG Command Reference
Troubleshooting and Diagnostic Output
Oracle Cluster Registry Troubleshooting
Using the OCRCHECK Utility
Using the OCRDUMP Utility to View Oracle Cluster Registry Content
OCRDUMP Utility Syntax and Options
OCRDUMP Utility Examples
Sample OCRDUMP Utility Output
Diagnostic Output for OCRCONFIG
Troubleshooting Oracle Clusterware
Monitoring Oracle Clusterware
Clusterware Log Files and the Unified Log Directory Structure
Diagnostics Collection Script
Oracle Clusterware Alerts
Alert Messages Using Diagnostic Record Unique IDs
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