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Oracle® Database Reference
11g Release 2 (11.2)

Part Number E10820-03
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V$AW_OLAP provides a record of active sessions and their use with analytic workspaces. A row is generated whenever an analytic workspace is created or attached. The first row for a session is created when the first command is issued. It identifies the SYS.EXPRESS workspace, which is attached automatically to each session. Rows related to a particular analytic workspace are deleted when the workspace is detached from the session or the session ends.

Column Datatype Description
SESSION_ID NUMBER A unique numeric identifier for a session
AW_NUMBER NUMBER A unique numeric identifier for an analytic workspace. To get the name of the analytic workspace, join this column to the AW_NUMBER column of the USER_AWS view or to the AWSEQ# column of the AW$ table.
GENERATION NUMBER The generation of an analytic workspace. Each UPDATE creates a new generation. Sessions attaching the same workspace between UPDATE commands share the same generation.
TEMP_SPACE_PAGES NUMBER The number of pages stored in temporary segments for the analytic workspace.
TEMP_SPACE_READS NUMBER The number of times data has been read from a temporary segment and not from the page pool.
LOB_READS NUMBER The number of times data has been read from the table where the analytic workspace is stored (the permanent LOB).
POOL_CHANGED_PAGES NUMBER The number of pages in the page pool that have been modified in this analytic workspace.
POOL_UNCHANGED_PAGES NUMBER The number of pages in the page pool that have not been modified in this analytic workspace.