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Oracle® Database Reference
11g Release 2 (11.2)

Part Number E10820-03
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V$EMON displays performance statistics per event monitor (EMON) slave for diagnosability of notifications. All processing time and latency is in seconds.

Column Datatype Description
EMON# NUMBER EMON identifier (0 - 9)
SID NUMBER Session identifier
STARTUP_TIME TIMESTAMP(3) WITH TIME ZONE Time when this EMON slave was started
SERVER_TYPE VARCHAR2(8) Notification quality of the service provided by EMON:


  • IDLE


STATUS_CHANGE_TIME TIMESTAMP(3) WITH TIME ZONE Time at which EMON switched to the current STATUS
NUM_NTFNS NUMBER Total number of notifications (including grouping notifications)
NUM_GROUPING_NTFNS NUMBER Number of grouping notifications
NUM_NTFNS_ALL_GROUPS NUMBER Total number of events in all notification groups
NUM_OCI_NTFNS NUMBER Number of OCI notifications
NUM_PLSQL_NTFNS NUMBER Number of PL/SQL notifications
NUM_EMAIL_NTFNS NUMBER Number of E-mail notifications
NUM_HTTP_NTFNS NUMBER Number of HTTP notifications
NUM_EVENTS_PROCESSED NUMBER Number of events posted by a publisher for which notifications have been delivered
NUM_EVENTS_PENDING NUMBER Number of events posted by a publisher for which notifications are not yet delivered
NUM_ANONYMOUS_NTFNS NUMBER Number of anonymous notifications
NUM_AQ_NTFNS NUMBER Number of AQ notifications
NUM_DBCHANGE_NTFNS NUMBER Number of DBChange notifications
TOTAL_ANONYMOUS_NTFN_TIME NUMBER Total time to process Anonymous notifications
TOTAL_AQ_NTFN_TIME NUMBER Total time to process AQ notifications
TOTAL_DBCHANGE_NTFN_TIME NUMBER Total time to process dbchange notifications
TOTAL_PLSQL_NTFN_TIME NUMBER Total time to process PL/SQL notifications
TOTAL_OCI_NTFN_TIME NUMBER Total time to process OCI notifications
TOTAL_EMAIL_NTFN_TIME NUMBER Total time to process E-mail notifications
TOTAL_HTTP_NTFN_TIME NUMBER Total time to process HTTP notifications
TOTAL_EMON_LATENCY NUMBER Total latency in processing events
REGISTRATIONS_EXPIRED NUMBER Number of expired registrations
REGISTRATIONS_PURGED NUMBER Number of purged registrations
REGISTRATIONS_INVALID NUMBER Number of registrations invalidated due to notification delivery failure
LAST_UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP(3) WITH TIME ZONE Time when statistics were last updated