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Oracle® Database Reference
11g Release 2 (11.2)

Part Number E10820-03
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V$RESERVED_WORDS displays a list of all SQL keywords. To determine whether a particular keyword is reserved in any way, check the RESERVED, RES_TYPE, RES_ATTR, and RES_SEMI columns.

Column Datatype Description
KEYWORD VARCHAR2(30) Name of the keyword
LENGTH NUMBER Length of the keyword
RESERVED VARCHAR2(1) Indicates whether the keyword cannot be used as an identifier (Y) or whether the keyword is not reserved (N)
RES_TYPE VARCHAR2(1) Indicates whether the keyword cannot be used as a type name (Y) or whether the keyword is not reserved (N)
RES_ATTR VARCHAR2(1) Indicates whether the keyword cannot be used as an attribute name (Y) or whether the keyword is not reserved (N)
RES_SEMI VARCHAR2(1) Indicates whether the keyword is not allowed as an identifier in certain situations, such as in DML (Y) or whether the keyword is not reserved (N)
DUPLICATE VARCHAR2(1) Indicates whether the keyword is a duplicate of another keyword (Y) or whether the keyword is not a duplicate (N)