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Oracle® Database Reference
11g Release 2 (11.2)

Part Number E10820-03
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V$RSRC_PLAN_HISTORY displays a history of when a resource plan was enabled, disabled, or modified on the instance. Up to 15 of the most recent entries are shown. Once the database is opened, this view shows at least one row. The row with the most recent START_TIME and with END_TIME equal to NULL gives information about the current resource plan.

Column Datatype Description
SEQUENCE# NUMBER A sequential counter that uniquely describes a row. When the instance is restarted, this value is reset to zero.
ID NUMBER Resource plan ID; NULL if the Resource Manager was disabled
NAME VARCHAR2(30) Resource plan name; NULL if the Resource Manager was disabled
START_TIME DATE Time that the resource plan was enabled
END_TIME DATE Time that the resource plan was disabled; NULL if the row contains the current resource plan information
ENABLED_BY_SCHEDULER VARCHAR2(5) Indicates whether the plan was enabled by a Job Scheduler window (TRUE) or not (FALSE)
WINDOW_NAME VARCHAR2(30) Job Scheduler window that triggered the resource plan event; NULL if a user triggered the resource plan event
ALLOWED_AUTOMATED_SWITCHES VARCHAR2(5) Indicates whether automated plan switches were allowed after this resource plan event (TRUE) or whether automated plan switches were disabled after this resource plan event (FALSE)

See Also: the SWITCH_PLAN procedure

CPU_MANAGED VARCHAR2(3) Indicates whether the resource plan has parameters that specify a policy for how the Resource Manager should schedule sessions to manage CPU usage (ON) or whether Resource Manager is not managing CPU usage (OFF)