Oracle® TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference Release 11.2.1 Part Number E13070-04 |
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The ASCIISTR takes as its argument, either a string or an expression that resolves to a string, in any character set, and returns the ASCII version of the string in the database character set. Non-ASCII characters are converted to Unicode escapes.
SQL syntax
ASCIISTR ([N]'String')
ASCIISTR has the parameter:
Parameter | Description |
[N]'String ' |
The string passed to the ASCIISTR function. The string can be in any character set. The ASCII version of the string in the database character set is returned. Specify N if you wish to pass the string in UTF-16 format. |
The ASCIISTR function allows you to see the representation of a string value that is not in your database character set.
The following example invokes the ASCIISTR function passing as an argument the string 'Aäa'
in UTF-16 format. The ASCII version is returned in the WE8ISO8859P1 character set. The non-ASCII character ä
is converted to Unicode encoding value:
Command> connect "dsn=test; ConnectionCharacterSet= WE8ISO8859P1"; Connection successful: DSN=test;UID=user1;DataStore=/datastore/user1/test; DatabaseCharacterSet=WE8ISO8859P1; ConnectionCharacterSet=WE8ISO8859P1;PermSize=32;TypeMode=0; (Default setting AutoCommit=1) Command> SELECT ASCIISTR (n'Aäa') FROM DUAL; < A\00E4a > 1 row found.