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Oracle® TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference
Release 11.2.1

Part Number E13070-04
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The LTRIM function removes from the left end of Expression1 all of the characters contained in Expression2. TimesTen begins scanning Expression1 from its first character and removes all characters that appear in Expression2 until reaching a character not in Expression2 and returns the result.

SQL syntax

LTRIM (Expression1 [,Expression2])


LTRIM has the parameters:

Parameter Description
Expression1 The CHAR, VARCHAR2, NCHAR or NVARCHAR2 operand or column to be trimmed. If Expression1 is a character literal, then enclose it in single quotes.
Expression2 Optional expression used for trimming Expression1. If Expression2 is a character literal, then enclose it in single quotes. If you do not specify Expression2, it defaults to a single blank. Operand or column can be of type CHAR,VARCHAR2, NCHAR, or NVARCHAR2.



Call the LTRIM function to remove left-most 'x' and 'y' from string. LTRIM removes individual occurrences of 'x' and 'y' not pattern 'xy'.

Command> SELECT LTRIM ('xxxyyyxyxyLTRIM Example', 'xy') FROM dual;
< LTRIM Example >
1 row found.

Call the LTRIM function to remove YYYY-MM-DD from SYSDATE. Call TO_CHAR to convert SYSDATE to VARCHAR2.

Command> SELECT LTRIM (TO_CHAR(SYSDATE), '2007-08-21') FROM dual;
<  22:54:39 >
1 row found.

Call LTRIM to remove all characters from Expression1. In the first example, the data type is CHAR, so NULL is returned. In the second example, the data type is TT_CHAR, so the empty string is returned.

Command> CREATE TABLE ltrimtest (col1 CHAR (4), col2 TT_CHAR (4));
Command> INSERT INTO ltrimtest VALUES ('ABBB','ABBB');
1 row inserted.
Command> SELECT LTRIM (col1, 'AB') FROM ltrimtest;
< <NULL> >
1 row found.
Command> SELECT LTRIM (col2, 'AB') FROM ltrimtest;
<  >
1 row found.