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Oracle® TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference
Release 11.2.1

Part Number E13070-04
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TRUNC (date)

Returns date with the time portion of the day truncated to the unit specified by the format model fmt. The value returned is of type DATE. If you do not specify fmt, then date is truncated to the nearest day.

SQL syntax

TRUNC (date [,fmt]) 


TRUNC (date) has the parameters:

Parameter Description
date The date that is truncated. Specify the DATE data type for date. The function returns data type DATE with the time portion of the day truncated to the unit specified by the format model. If you do not specify fmt, the date is truncated to the nearest day. An error is returned if you do not specify the DATE data type.
[,fmt] The format model truncating unit. Specify either a constant or a parameter for fmt.


For the permitted format models to use in fmt, see "Format model for ROUND and TRUNC date functions".


Command> SELECT TRUNC (TO_DATE ('27-OCT-92','DD-MON-YY'),'YEAR') FROM dual;
< 2092-01-01 00:00:00 >
1 row found.