Oracle® TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference Release 11.2.1 Part Number E13070-04 |
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The CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW statement creates a view of the table specified in the SelectQuery
clause. The original tables used to create a view are referred to as detail tables. The view can be refreshed synchronously or asynchronously with regard to changes in the detail tables. If you create an asynchronous materialized view, you must first create a materialized view log on the detail table. See "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG".
Required privilege
User executing the statement must have CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW (if owner) or CREATE ANY MATERIALIZED VIEW (if not owner)
Owner of the materialized view must have SELECT on the detail tables
Owner of the materialized view must have CREATE TABLE
SQL syntax
CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW ViewName [REFRESH [FAST | COMPLETE] [NEXT SYSDATE[+NUMTODSINTERVAL(IntegerLiteral),IntervalUnit]] AS SelectQuery [PRIMARY KEY (ColumnName [,…])] [UNIQUE HASH ON (HashColumnName [,…]) PAGES = PrimaryPages]
The CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW statement has the parameters:
Parameter | Description |
ViewName |
Name assigned to the new view. |
Specifies an asynchronous materialized view. |
Refresh methods. FAST specifies incremental refresh. COMPLETE specifies full refresh. If the method is omitted, COMPLETE is the default refresh method. |
If NEXT SYSDATE is specified without NUMTODSINTERVAL , the materialized view will be refreshed incrementally every time a detail table is modified. The refresh occurs in a separate transaction immediately after the transaction that modifies the detail table has been committed. You cannot specify a full refresh (COMPLETE ) every time a detail table is modified.
If |
[+NUMTODSINTERVAL( IntegerLiteral), IntervalUnit ] |
If this is specified, the materialized view will be refreshed at the specified interval. IntegerLiteral must be an integer. IntervalUnit must be one of the following values: 'DAY' , 'HOUR' , 'MINUTE' , 'SECOND' .
If |
SelectQuery |
Selects column from the detail tables to be used in the view. Can also create indexes on the view. |
ColumnName |
Name of the column(s) that forms the primary key for the view to be created. Up to 16 columns can be specified for the primary key. Each result column name of a viewed table must be unique. The column name definition cannot contain the table or owner component. |
HashColumnName |
Column defined in the view that is to participate in the hash key of this table. The columns specified in the hash index must be identical to the columns in the primary key. |
PrimaryPages |
Specifies the expected number of pages in the table. This number determines the number of hash buckets created for the hash index. The minimum is 1. If your estimate is too small, performance is degraded. See "CREATE TABLE" section for more information. |
Restrictions on synchronous materialized view and detail tables:
A materialized view is read-only and cannot be updated directly. A materialized view is updated only when changes are made to the associated detail tables. Therefore a materialized view cannot be the target of a DELETE, UPDATE or INSERT statement.
Materialized views defined on replicated tables may result in replication failures or inconsistencies if the materialized view is specified so that overflow or underflow conditions occur when the materialized view is updated.
Detail tables can be replicated, but materialized views themselves cannot be replicated. If detail tables are replicated, TimesTen automatically updates the corresponding views.
A materialized view and its detail tables cannot be part of a cache group.
Referential constraints cannot be defined on materialized views.
By default, a range index is created to enforce the primary key for a materialized view. Use the UNIQUE HASH clause to specify a hash index for the primary key.
If your application performs range queries over a materialized view's primary key, then choose a range index for that view by omitting the UNIQUE HASH clause.
If your application performs only exact match lookups on the primary key, then a hash index may offer better response time and throughput. In such a case, specify the UNIQUE HASH clause. See "CREATE TABLE" for more information about the UNIQUE HASH clause.
Use ALTER TABLE to change the representation of the primary key index or resize a hash index.
You cannot add or drop columns in the materialized view with the ALTER TABLE statement. To change the structure of the materialized view, drop and re-create the view.
Use the DROP [MATERIALIZED] VIEW statement to drop a materialized view.
There are several restrictions on the query that is used to define the materialized view:
A SELECT * query in a materialized view definition is expanded when the view is created. Columns added to the detail table after a materialized view is created do not affect the materialized view.
Temporary tables cannot be used in a materialized view definition. Non-materialized views and derived tables cannot be used to define a materialized view.
All columns in the GROUP BY list must be included in the select list.
Aggregate view must include a COUNT(*) in the select list.
SUM and COUNT are allowed, but not expressions involving them, including AVG.
The following cannot be used in a SELECT statement that is creating a materialized view:
Derived tables and joined tables
Each expression in the select list must have a unique name. The name of a simple column expression is that column's name unless a column alias is defined. ROWID is considered an expression and needs an alias.
No SELECT FOR UPDATE or SELECT FOR INSERT statements can be used on a view.
Each inner table can only be outer joined with at most one table.
Self joins are allowed. A self join is a join of a table to itself. This table appears twice in the FROM clause and is followed by table aliases that qualify column names in the join condition.
There are no additional restrictions on asynchronous materialized views with full (COMPLETE) refresh.
In addition to the restrictions in a SELECT statement that is creating a materialized view, the following restrictions apply when creating asynchronous materialized views with incremental (FAST) refresh:
Aggregate functions are not supported
Outer joins are not supported.
The SELECT list must include the ROWID or the primary key columns for all the detail tables.
The materialized view log must be created for each detail table in the asynchronous material view with incremental refresh before creating the asynchronous materialized view.
The materialized view log must include all the columns used in the asynchronous materialized views.
TimesTen creates a unique index for a asynchronous materialized views that are refreshed incrementally. The index is created on the primary key or ROWID of the detail tables included in the SELECT list.
Invalid materialized views
The owner of a materialized view must have the SELECT privilege on its detail tables. The SELECT privilege is implied by the SELECT ANY TABLE and ADMIN system privileges. When the SELECT privilege or a higher-level system privilege on the detail tables is revoked from the owner of the materialized view, the materialized view becomes invalid.You can select from an invalid asynchronous materialized view. Refreshing an invalid asynchronous materialized view fails with an error.Selecting from an invalid synchronous materialized view fails with an error. Updates to the detail tables of an invalid synchronous materialized view do not update the materialized view.
You can identify invalid materialized views by using the ttIsql describe
command and by inspecting the STATUS column of SYS.DBA_OBJECTS, SYS.ALL_OBJECTS or SYS.USER_OBJECTS.
If the revoked privilege is restored, you can make an invalid materialized view valid again by:
Dropping and then re-creating the materialized view
Refreshing an invalid asynchronous materialized view if it was originally specified with complete refreshes
For more information, see "Object privileges for materialized views" in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide.
Create a materialized view of columns from the customer
and bookorder
CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW custorder AS SELECT custno, custname, ordno, book FROM customer, bookorder WHERE customer.custno=bookorder.custno;
Create a materialized view of columns x1
and y1
from the t1
Create a materialized view from an outer join of columns x1
and y1
from the t1
and t2
Create an asynchronous materialized view called mv1
with incremental refresh. The materialized view will be refreshed immediately after updates to employees
have been committed. The columns in mv1
are employee_id
and email
. (You must create a materialized view log before you create an asynchronous materialized view.)
CREATE MATERALIZED VIEW mv1 REFRESH FAST NEXT SYSDATE AS SELECT employee_id, email FROM employees; 107 rows materialized.
See also