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Oracle® TimesTen In-Memory Database TimesTen to TimesTen Replication Guide
Release 11.2.1

Part Number E13072-03
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2 Getting Started

This chapter describes how to configure and start up sample replication schemes. It includes these topics:

You must have the ADMIN privilege to complete the procedures in this chapter.

Configuring an active standby pair with one subscriber

This section describes how to create an active standby pair with one subscriber. The active data store is master1. The standby data store is master2. The subscriber data store is subscriber1. To keep the example simple, all data stores reside on the same computer, server1.

Figure 2-1 shows this configuration.

Figure 2-1 Active standby pair with one subscriber

Description of Figure 2-1 follows
Description of "Figure 2-1 Active standby pair with one subscriber"

This section includes the following topics:

Step 1: Create the DSNs for the master and the subscriber data stores

Create DSNs named master1, master2 and subscriber1 as described in "Creating TimesTen Data Stores" in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide.

On UNIX and Linux systems, use a text editor to create the following odbc.ini file:


On Windows, use the ODBC Administrator to set the same attributes. Use defaults for all other settings.

Step 2: Create a table in one of the master data stores

Use the ttIsql utility to connect to the master1 data store:

% ttIsql master1
Copyright (c) 1996-2009, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
Type ? or "help" for help, type "exit" to quit ttIsql.
connect "DSN=master1";
Connection successful: DSN=master1;UID=terry;DataStore=/tmp/master1;
(Default setting AutoCommit=1)

Create a table called tab with columns a and b:

       > b CHAR(18),
       > PRIMARY KEY (a));

Step 3: Define the active standby pair

Define the active standby pair on master1:

Command> CREATE ACTIVE STANDBY PAIR master1, master2
       > SUBSCRIBER subscriber1;

For more information about defining an active standby pair, see Chapter 3, "Defining an Active Standby Pair Replication Scheme".

Step 4: Start the replication agent on a master data store

Start the replication agent on master1:

Command> CALL ttRepStart;

Step 5: Set the state of a master data store to 'ACTIVE'

The state of a new data store in an active standby pair is 'IDLE' until the active data store has been set.

Use the ttRepStateSet built-in procedure to designate master1 as the active data store:

Command> CALL ttRepStateSet('ACTIVE');

Verify the state of master1:

Command> CALL ttRepStateGet;
1 row found.

Step 6. Create a user on the active data store

Create a user terry with a password of terry and grant terry the ADMIN privilege. Creating a user with the ADMIN privilege is required by Access Control for the next step.

Command> CREATE USER terry IDENTIFIED BY terry;
User created.
Command> GRANT admin TO terry;

Step 7: Duplicate the active data store to the standby data store

Exit ttIsql and use the ttRepAdmin utility with the -duplicate option to duplicate the active data store to the standby data store:

% ttRepAdmin -duplicate -from master1 -host server1 -uid terry -pwd terry "dsn=master2"

Step 8: Start the replication agent on the standby data store

Use ttIsql to connect to master2 and start the replication agent:

% ttIsql master2
Copyright (c) 1996-2009, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
Type ? or "help" for help, type "exit" to quit ttIsql.
connect "DSN=master2";
Connection successful: DSN=master2;UID=terry;DataStore=/tmp/master2;
(Default setting AutoCommit=1)
Command> CALL ttRepStart;

Starting the replication agent for the standby data store automatically sets its state to 'STANDBY'. Verify the state of master2:

Command> CALL ttRepStateGet;
1 row found.

Step 9. Duplicate the standby data store to the subscriber

Use the ttRepAdmin utility to duplicate the standby data store to the subscriber data store:

% ttRepAdmin -duplicate -from master2 -host server1 -uid terry -pwd terry "dsn=subscriber1"

Step 10: Start the replication agent on the subscriber

Use ttIsql to connect to subscriber1 and start the replication agent. Verify the state of subscriber1.

% ttIsql subscriber1
Copyright (c) 1996-2009, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
Type ? or "help" for help, type "exit" to quit ttIsql.
connect "DSN=subscriber1";
Connection successful: DSN=subscriber1;UID=terry;DataStore=/stmp/subscriber1;
(Default setting AutoCommit=1)
Command> CALL ttRepStart;
Command> call ttRepStateGet;
< IDLE >
1 row found.

Step 11: Insert data into the table on the active data store

Insert a row into the tab table on master1.

Command> INSERT INTO tab VALUES (1,'Hello');
1 row inserted.
Command> SELECT * FROM tab;
< 1, Hello              >
1 row found.

Verify that the insert is replicated to master2 and subscriber1.

Command> SELECT * FROM tab;
< 1, Hello              >
1 row found.

Step 12: Drop the active standby pair and the table

Stop the replication agents on each data store:

Command> CALL ttRepStop;

Drop the active standby pair on each data store. You can then drop the table tab on any data store in which you have dropped the active standby pair.

Command> DROP TABLE tab;

Configuring a replication scheme with one master and one subscriber

This section describes how to configure a replication scheme that replicates the contents of a single table in a master data store (masterds) to a table in a subscriber data store (subscriberds). To keep the example simple, both data stores reside on the same computer.

Figure 2-2 Simple replication scheme

Description of Figure 2-2 follows
Description of "Figure 2-2 Simple replication scheme"

This section includes the following topics:

Step 1: Create the DSNs for the master and the subscriber

Create DSNs named masterds and subscriberds as described in "Creating TimesTen Data Stores" in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide.

On UNIX and Linux systems, use a text editor to create the following odbc.ini file on each data store:


On Windows, use the ODBC Administrator to set the same attributes. Use defaults for all other settings.

Step 2: Create a table and replication scheme on the master data store

Connect to masterds with the ttIsql utility:

% ttIsql masterds
Copyright (c) 1996-2009, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
Type ? or "help" for help, type "exit" to quit ttIsql.

connect "DSN=masterds";
Connection successful: DSN=masterds;UID=ttuser;
(Default setting AutoCommit=1)

Create a table named tab with columns named a, b and c:

       > b NUMBER,
       > c CHAR(8),
       > PRIMARY KEY (a));

Create a replication scheme called repscheme to replicate the tab table from masterds to subscriberds.

Command> CREATE REPLICATION repscheme
       > ELEMENT e TABLE tab
       > MASTER masterds
       > SUBSCRIBER subscriberds;

Step 3: Create a table and replication scheme on the subscriber data store

Connect to subscriberds and create the same table and replication scheme, using the same procedure described in Step 2.

Step 4: Start the replication agent on each data store

Start the replication agents on masterds and subscriberds:

Command> call ttRepStart;

Exit ttIsql. Use the ttStatus utility to verify that the replication agents are running for both data stores:

% ttStatus
TimesTen status report as of Thu Jan 29 12:16:27 2009
Daemon pid 18373 port 4134 instance ttuser
TimesTen server pid 18381 started on port 4136
Data store /tmp/masterds
There are 16 connections to the data store
Shared Memory KEY 0x0201ab43 ID 5242889
PL/SQL Memory KEY 0x0301ab43 ID 5275658 Address 0x10000000
Type            PID     Context     Connection Name              ConnID
Process         20564   0x081338c0  masterds                          1
Replication     20676   0x08996738  LOGFORCE                          5
Replication     20676   0x089b69a0  REPHOLD                           2
Replication     20676   0x08a11a58  FAILOVER                          3
Replication     20676   0x08a7cd70  REPLISTENER                       4
Replication     20676   0x08ad7e28  TRANSMITTER                       6
Subdaemon       18379   0x080a11f0  Manager                        2032
Subdaemon       18379   0x080fe258  Rollback                       2033
Subdaemon       18379   0x081cb818  Checkpoint                     2036
Subdaemon       18379   0x081e6940  Log Marker                     2035
Subdaemon       18379   0x08261e70  Deadlock Detector              2038
Subdaemon       18379   0xae100470  AsyncMV                        2040
Subdaemon       18379   0xae11b508  HistGC                         2041
Subdaemon       18379   0xae300470  Aging                          2039
Subdaemon       18379   0xae500470  Flusher                        2034
Subdaemon       18379   0xae55b738  Monitor                        2037
Replication policy  : Manual
Replication agent is running.
Cache Agent policy  : Manual
PL/SQL enabled.
Data store /tmp/subscriberds
There are 16 connections to the data store
Shared Memory KEY 0x0201ab41 ID 5177351
PL/SQL Memory KEY 0x0301ab41 ID 5210120 Address 0x10000000
Type            PID     Context     Connection Name              ConnID
Process         20594   0x081338f8  subscriberds                      1
Replication     20691   0x0893c550  LOGFORCE                          5
Replication     20691   0x089b6978  REPHOLD                           2
Replication     20691   0x08a11a30  FAILOVER                          3
Replication     20691   0x08a6cae8  REPLISTENER                       4
Replication     20691   0x08ad7ba8  RECEIVER                          6
Subdaemon       18376   0x080b1450  Manager                        2032
Subdaemon       18376   0x0810e4a8  Rollback                       2033
Subdaemon       18376   0x081cb8b0  Flusher                        2034
Subdaemon       18376   0x08246de0  Monitor                        2035
Subdaemon       18376   0x082a20a8  Deadlock Detector              2036
Subdaemon       18376   0x082fd370  Checkpoint                     2037
Subdaemon       18376   0x08358638  Aging                          2038
Subdaemon       18376   0x083b3900  Log Marker                     2040
Subdaemon       18376   0x083ce998  AsyncMV                        2039
Subdaemon       18376   0x08469e90  HistGC                         2041
Replication policy  : Manual
Replication agent is running.
Cache Agent policy  : Manual
PL/SQL enabled.

Step 4: Insert data into the table on the master data store

Use ttIsql to connect to the master data store and insert some rows into the tab table:

% ttIsql masterds
Command> INSERT INTO tab VALUES (1, 22, 'Hello');
1 row inserted.
Command> INSERT INTO tab VALUES (3, 86, 'World');
1 row inserted.

Open a second command prompt window for the subscriber. Connect to the subscriber data store and check the contents of the tab table:

% ttIsql subscriberds
Command> SELECT * FROM tab;
< 1, 22, Hello>
< 3, 86, World>
2 rows found.

Figure 2-3 shows that the rows that are inserted into masterds are replicated to subscriberds.

Figure 2-3 Replicating changes to the subscriber data store

Description of Figure 2-3 follows
Description of "Figure 2-3 Replicating changes to the subscriber data store"

Step 5: Drop the replication scheme and table

After you have completed your replication tests, stop the replication agents on both masterds and subscriberds:

Command> CALL ttRepStop;

To remove the tab table and repscheme replication scheme from the master and subscriber data stores, enter these statements on each data store:

Command> DROP REPLICATION repscheme;
Command> DROP TABLE tab;