Oracle® Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference 11g Release 2 (11.2) Part Number E10577-04 |
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Oracle Data Mining is an analytical technology for deriving actionable information from data. You can use Oracle Data Mining to evaluate the probability of future events and discover unsuspected associations and groupings within your data.
package is the primary interface to Oracle Data Mining. A Java API is layered on the PL/SQL API. Oracle Data Mining also supports a family of SQL functions for deploying data mining models.
Oracle Data Miner, a graphical interface to Oracle Data Mining, is available for download from the Oracle Technology Network. Go to:
See Also:
Chapter 43, "DBMS_DATA_MINING_TRANSFORM". This package supports data pre-processing for data mining models.
Chapter 101, "DBMS_PREDICTIVE_ANALYTICS". This package supports several routines that perform automated data mining.
Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for information about the SQL Data Mining functions.
Oracle Data Mining Concepts for an introduction to Oracle Data Mining.
Oracle Data Mining Concepts for new features in 11g Release 2 (11.2).
This chapter contains the following topics:
This section contains topics that relate to using the DBMS_DATA_MINING
Oracle Data Mining supports both supervised and unsupervised data mining. Supervised data mining predicts a target value based on historical data. Unsupervised data mining discovers natural groupings and does not use a target.
See Also:
Oracle Data Mining Concepts for background information on supervised and unsupervised data mining, and for additional information about Data Mining functions and algorithmsA data mining function refers to the methods for solving a given class of data mining problems. The mining function must be specified when a model is created. See "Mining Functions".
Note on Terminology:
In data mining terminology, a function is a general type of problem to be solved by a given approach to data mining. In SQL language terminology, a function is an operator that returns a value.In Oracle Data Mining documentation, the term function, or mining function refers to a data mining function; the term SQL function or SQL Data Mining function refers to a SQL function for scoring (deploying) data mining models. The SQL Data Mining functions are documented in Oracle Database SQL Language Reference.
Supervised data mining functions include:
Attribute Importance
Unsupervised data mining functions include:
Feature Extraction
Anomaly Detection (one-class classification)
The steps you use to build and apply a mining model depend on the data mining function and the algorithm being used. The algorithms supported by Oracle Data Mining are listed in Table 42-1.
Table 42-1 Oracle Data Mining Algorithms
Mining models are Oracle Database schema objects. They support the standard security features of Oracle Database. Mining models are also supported by SQL COMMENT
See Also:
Oracle Data Mining Administrator's Guide for information about mining model objects, SQL COMMENT
Oracle Data Mining Administrator's Guide for information about mining model security
Oracle Data Mining Administrator's Guide for information about the sample Data Mining programs
You can query the data dictionary view ALL_MINING_MODELS
to obtain a list of accessible mining models.
SQL> describe all_mining_models Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- OWNER NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30) MODEL_NAME NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30) MINING_FUNCTION VARCHAR2(30) ALGORITHM VARCHAR2(30) CREATION_DATE NOT NULL DATE BUILD_DURATION NUMBER MODEL_SIZE NUMBER COMMENTS VARCHAR2(4000)
See Also:
Oracle Data Mining Application Developer's Guide for more information aboutALL_MINING_MODELS
and related viewsThe naming rules for models are more restrictive than the naming rules for most database schema objects. A model name must satisfy the following additional requirements:
It must be 25 or fewer characters long.
It must be a nonquoted identifier. Oracle requires that nonquoted identifiers contain only alphanumeric characters, the underscore (_), dollar sign ($), and pound sign (#); the initial character must be alphabetic. Oracle strongly discourages the use of the dollar sign and pound sign in nonquoted literals.
Naming requirements for schema objects are fully documented in Oracle Database SQL Language Reference.
You can query the data dictionary view ALL_MINING_MODEL_ATTRIBUTES
to obtain a list of the data attributes for each accessible mining model. Data attributes are the columns of data used by an algorithm to build a model. Some or all of these columns must be present in the data to which the model is applied.
Data attributes are referred to as the model signature. The ALL_MINING_MODEL_ATTRIBUTES
view lists the data attributes in the model signature, including the target if the model is supervised.
An algorithm builds an internal representation of the data attributes and uses them as either categoricals (data that classifies or categorizes) or as numericals (continuous data). These internal model attributes can be viewed using the GET_MODEL_DETAILS
SQL> describe all_mining_model_attributes Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- OWNER NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30) MODEL_NAME NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30) ATTRIBUTE_NAME NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30) ATTRIBUTE_TYPE VARCHAR2(11) DATA_TYPE VARCHAR2(12) DATA_LENGTH NUMBER DATA_PRECISION NUMBER DATA_SCALE NUMBER USAGE_TYPE VARCHAR2(8) TARGET VARCHAR2(3)
See Also:
Oracle Data Mining Application Developer's Guide for more information about attributes andALL_MINING_MODEL_ATTRIBUTES
returns the settings for each accessible mining model. Settings control various characteristics of mining models.
All settings have default values. The values of some settings are generated by the algorithm by default. You can override the default value of a setting by specifying its value in a settings table for the model. All settings, both default and user-specified, are listed in ALL_MINING_MODEL_SETTINGS
SQL> describe all_mining_model_settings Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- OWNER NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30) MODEL_NAME NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30) SETTING_NAME NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30) SETTING_VALUE VARCHAR2(4000) SETTING_TYPE VARCHAR2(7)
See Also:
Oracle Data Mining Application Developer's Guide for more information about ALL_MINING_MODEL_SETTINGS
The following subprograms were deprecated in Oracle Data Mining 11g Release 1 (11.1).
Replaced with data dictionary views: USER
Replaced with data dictionary views: USER
Replaced with data dictionary views: USER
The following view was deprecated in Oracle Data Mining 11g Release 1 (11.1).
Replaced with data dictionary views: USER
The Adaptive Bayes Network algorithm was deprecated in Oracle Data Mining 11g Release 1 (11.1).
Oracle recommends that you do not use deprecated procedures in new applications. Support for deprecated features is for backward compatibility only.Since 11g Release 1 (11.1), the DMSYS
schema is no longer present in the database. Oracle Data Mining metadata now resides in SYS
The constants that specify the mining function of a model are listed in Table 42-2. The concept of a "mining function" is introduced in "Overview".
All models are created with a mining function. The mining function is a required argument to the CREATE_MODEL Procedure.
Table 42-2 Mining Functions
Value | Description |
Association is a descriptive mining function. An association model identifies relationships and the probability of their occurrence within a data set. Association models use the Apriori algorithm. |
Attribute Importance is a predictive mining function. An attribute importance model identifies the relative importance of an attribute in predicting a given outcome. Attribute Importance models use the Minimal Descriptor Length algorithm. |
Classification is a predictive mining function. A classification model uses historical data to predict a categorical target. Classification models can use: Naive Bayes, Adaptive Bayes Network (deprecated), Decision Tree, Logistic Regression, or Support Vector Machine algorithms. The default is Naive Bayes. The classification function can also be used for anomaly detection. In this case, the SVM algorithm with a null target is used (One-Class SVM). |
Clustering is a descriptive mining function. A clustering model identifies natural groupings within a data set. Clustering models can use: k-Means or O-Cluster algorithms. The default is k-Means. |
Feature Extraction is a descriptive mining function. A feature extraction model creates an optimized data set on which to base a model. Feature extraction models use the Non-Negative Matrix Factorization algorithm. |
Regression is a predictive mining function. A regression model uses historical data to predict a numerical target. Regression models can use Support Vector Machine or Linear Regression. The default is Support Vector Machine. |
Oracle Data Mining uses settings to specify the algorithm and other characteristics of a model. Some settings are general, some are specific to a mining function, and some are specific to an algorithm.
All settings have default values. If you want to override one or more of the settings for a model, you must create a settings table. The settings table must have the column names and data types shown in Table 42-3.
Table 42-3 Required Columns in the Model Settings Table
Column Name | Data Type |
The information you provide in the settings table is used by the model at build time. The name of the settings table is an optional argument to the CREATE_MODEL Procedure.
You can find the settings used by a model by querying the data dictionary view ALL_MINING_MODEL_SETTINGS
. This view lists the model settings used by the mining models to which you have access. All the setting values are included in the view, whether default or user-specified. See "ALL_MINING_MODEL_SETTINGS".
setting specifies the model algorithm. The values for the ALGO_NAME
setting are listed in Table 42-4.
Table 42-4 Algorithm Names
ALGO_NAME Value | Description | Mining Function |
Adaptive Bayes Network (deprecated) |
Classification |
Decision Tree |
Classification |
Naive Bayes |
Classification |
Generalized Linear Model |
Classification and Regression |
Support Vector Machine |
Classification and Regression |
Enhanced k_Means |
Clustering |
O-Cluster |
Clustering |
Minimum Description Length |
Attribute Importance |
Apriori |
Association Rules |
Non-Negative Matrix Factorization |
Feature Extraction |
Oracle Data Mining supports more than one algorithm for the classification, regression, and clustering mining functions. Each of these mining functions has a default algorithm, as shown in Table 42-5.
Table 42-5 Default Algorithms
Mining Function | Default Algorithm |
Classification |
Naive Bayes |
Regression |
Support Vector Machine |
Clustering |
k-Means |
setting indicates whether or not the model will use Automatic Data Preparation (ADP). By default ADP is disabled.
When you enable ADP, the model uses heuristics to transform the build data according to the requirements of the algorithm. The transformation instructions are stored with the model and reused whenever the model is applied. You can view the transformation instructions in the model details.
You can choose to supplement automatic data preparations by specifying additional transformations in the xform_list
parameter when you build the model. (See "CREATE_MODEL Procedure".)
If you do not use ADP (default) and do not specify transformations in the xform_list
parameter to CREATE_MODEL
(also the default), you will continue to operate in 10.2 mode. This means that you must implement your own transformations separately in the build, test, and scoring data; you must take special care to implement the exact same transformations in each data set.
If you do not use ADP, but you do specify transformations in the xform_list
parameter to CREATE_MODEL
, Oracle Data Mining embeds the transformation definitions in the model and prepares the test and scoring data to match the build data. Because of automatic and embedded data preparation, mining models are known as supermodels.
The values for the PREP_AUTO
setting are described in Table 42-6.
Table 42-6 PREP_AUTO Setting
PREP_AUTO Value | Description |
Disable Automatic Data Preparation (default). |
Enable Automatic Data Preparation. |
See Also:
Oracle Data Mining Concepts for information about data preparationThe settings described in Table 42-7 apply to a mining function.
Table 42-7 Mining Function Settings
Mining Function | Setting Name | Setting Value | Description |
Association |
Maximum rule length for association rules. Default is 4. |
Association |
Minimum confidence for association rules. Default is 0.1. |
Association |
Minimum support for association rules. Default is 0.1. |
Classification |
table_name |
(Decision Tree only) Name of a table that stores a cost matrix to be used by the algorithm in building the model. The cost matrix specifies the costs associated with misclassifications. Only Decision Tree models can use a cost matrix at build time. All classification algorithms can use a cost matrix at apply time. The cost matrix table is user-created. See "ADD_COST_MATRIX Procedure" for the column requirements. See Oracle Data Mining Concepts for information about costs. |
Classification |
table_name |
(Naive Bayes) Name of a table that stores prior probabilities to offset differences in distribution between the build data and the scoring data. The priors table is user-created. See Oracle Data Mining Application Developer's Guide for the column requirements. See Oracle Data Mining Concepts for additional information about priors. |
Classification |
table_name |
(GLM and SVM only) Name of a table that stores weighting information for individual target values in SVM classification and GLM logistic regression models. The weights are used by the algorithm to bias the model in favor of higher weighted classes. The class weights table is user-created. See Oracle Data Mining Application Developer's Guide for the column requirements. See Oracle Data Mining Concepts for additional information about class weights. |
Clustering |
Number of clusters generated by a clustering algorithm. Default is 10. |
Feature Extraction |
Number of features to be extracted by a feature extraction model. The default is estimated from the data by the algorithm. |
See Also:
Oracle Data Mining Concepts for information about mining functionsThe settings in Table 42-8 are applicable to any type of model, but are currently only implemented for specific algorithms.
You can query the data dictionary view *_MINING_MODEL_SETTINGS
(using the ALL
, or DBA
prefix) to find the setting values for a model. See Oracle Data Mining Application Developer's Guide for information about *_MINING_MODEL_SETTINGS
Table 42-8 Global Settings
Setting Name | Setting Value | Description |
column_name |
(Association Rules only) Name of a column that contains the items in a transaction. When this setting is specified, the algorithm expects the data to be presented in native transactional format, consisting of two columns:
A typical example of transactional data is market basket data, wherein a case represents a basket that may contain many items. Each item is stored in a separate row, and many rows may be needed to represent a case. The case ID values do not uniquely identify each row. Transactional data is also called multi-record case data. Association Rules is normally used with transactional data, but it can also be applied to single-record case data (similar to other algorithms). For more information about single-record and multi-record case data, see Oracle Data Mining Application Developer's Guide. |
column_name |
(Association Rules only) Name of a column that contains a value associated with each item in a transaction. This setting is only used when a value has been specified for When
The item value column may specify information such as the number of items (for example, three apples) or the type of the item (for example, macintosh apples). |
(GLM only) How to treat missing values in the training data. This setting does not affect the scoring data. Oracle Data Mining replaces missing values with the mean (numeric attributes) or the mode (categorical attributes) both at build time and apply time. You can set The value |
column_name |
(GLM only) Name of a column in the training data that contains a weighting factor for the rows. Row weights can be used as a compact representation of repeated rows, as in the design of experiments where a specific configuration is repeated several times. Row weights can also be used to emphasize certain rows during model construction. For example, to bias the model towards rows that are more recent and away from potentially obsolete data. |
See Also:
Oracle Data Mining Concepts for information about GLM
Oracle Data Mining Concepts for information about Association Rules
These settings affect the behavior of the Adaptive Bayes Network algorithm.
You can query the data dictionary view *_MINING_MODEL_SETTINGS
(using the ALL
, or DBA
prefix) to find the setting values for a model. See Oracle Data Mining Application Developer's Guide for information about *_MINING_MODEL_SETTINGS
Table 42-9 ABN Settings
Setting | Value | Description |
Maximum time to complete an ABN model build. Default is 0, which implies no time limit. |
Maximum number of predictors, measured by their MDL ranking, to be considered for building an ABN model of type Default is 10. |
Maximum number of predictors, measured by their MDL ranking, to be considered for building an ABN model of type Default is 25. |
Type of ABN model. The default is |
These settings affect the behavior of the Decision Tree algorithm.
You can query the data dictionary view *_MINING_MODEL_SETTINGS
(using the ALL
, or DBA
prefix) to find the setting values for a model. See Oracle Data Mining Application Developer's Guide for information about *_MINING_MODEL_SETTINGS
Table 42-10 Decision Tree Settings
Setting | Value | Description |
Tree impurity metric for Decision Tree. Tree algorithms seek the best test question for splitting data at each node. The best splitter and split value are those that result in the largest increase in target value homogeneity (purity) for the entities in the node. Purity is measured in accordance with a metric. Decision trees can use either gini ( |
Criteria for splits: maximum tree depth (the maximum number of nodes between the root and any leaf node, including the leaf node). Default is 7. |
No child shall have fewer records than this number, which is expressed as a percentage of the training rows. Default is 0.05, indicating 0.05%. |
Criteria for splits: minimum number of records in a parent node expressed as a percent of the total number of records used to train the model. No split is attempted if number of records is below this value. Default is 0.1, indicating 0.1%. |
No child shall have fewer records than this number. Default is 10. |
Criteria for splits: minimum number of records in a parent node expressed as a value. No split is attempted if number of records is below this value. Default is 20. |
These settings affect the behavior of GLM models. GLM can be used for classification (logistic regression) or regression (linear regression).
You can query the data dictionary view *_MINING_MODEL_SETTINGS
(using the ALL
, or DBA
prefix) to find the setting values for a model. See Oracle Data Mining Application Developer's Guide for information about *_MINING_MODEL_SETTINGS
Table 42-11 GLM Settings
Setting Name | Setting Value | Description |
The confidence level for coefficient confidence intervals. The default confidence level is 0.95. |
table_name |
The name of a table to contain row-level diagnostic information for a GLM model. The table is created during model build. If you want to create a diagnostics table, you must specify a case ID when you build the model. (See the CREATE_MODEL Procedure.) If you specify a diagnostics table but do not provide a case ID, an exception is raised. For information on GLM diagnostics, see Oracle Data Mining Concepts. |
target_value |
The target value to be used as the reference value in a logistic regression model. Probabilities will be produced for the other (non-reference) class. By default, the algorithm chooses the value with the highest prevalence (the most cases) for the reference class. |
Whether or not ridge regression will be enabled. By default, the algorithm determines whether or not to use ridge. You can explicitly enable ridge by setting Ridge applies to both regression and classification mining functions. When ridge is enabled, no prediction bounds are produced by the |
The value for the ridge parameter used by the algorithm. This setting is only used when you explicitly enable ridge regression by setting If ridge regression is enabled internally by the algorithm, the ridge parameter is determined by the algorithm. |
(Linear regression only) Whether or not to produce Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) statistics when ridge is being used. By default, VIF is not produced when ridge is enabled. When you explicitly enable ridge regression by setting |
See Also:
Oracle Data Mining Concepts for information about GLMThese settings affect the behavior of the k-Means algorithm.
You can query the data dictionary view *_MINING_MODEL_SETTINGS
(using the ALL
, or DBA
prefix) to find the setting values for a model. See Oracle Data Mining Application Developer's Guide for information about *_MINING_MODEL_SETTINGS
Table 42-12 k-Means Settings
Setting Name | Setting Value | Description |
Growth factor for memory allocated to hold cluster data Default value is 2 |
Convergence tolerance for k-Means algorithm Default is 0.01 |
Distance Function for k-Means Clustering. The default is euclidean. |
Number of iterations for k-Means algorithm Default is 3 |
The fraction of attribute values that must be non-null in order for the attribute to be included in the rule description for the cluster. Setting the parameter value too high in data with missing values can result in very short or even empty rules. Default is 0.1. |
Number of histogram bins. Specifies the number of bins in the attribute histogram produced by k-Means. The bin boundaries for each attribute are computed globally on the entire training data set. The binning method is equi-width. All attributes have the same number of bins with the exception of attributes with a single value that have only one bin. Default is 10. |
Split criterion for k-Means Clustering. The default criterion is the variance. |
These settings affect the behavior of the Naive Bayes Algorithm.
You can query the data dictionary view *_MINING_MODEL_SETTINGS
(using the ALL
, or DBA
prefix) to find the setting values for a model. See Oracle Data Mining Application Developer's Guide for information about *_MINING_MODEL_SETTINGS
Table 42-13 Naive Bayes Settings
Setting Name | Setting Value | Description |
Value of pairwise threshold for NB algorithm Default is 0.01. |
Value of singleton threshold for NB algorithm Default value is 0.01 |
See Also:
Oracle Data Mining Concepts for information about Naive BayesThese settings affect the behavior of the Non-Negative Matrix Factorization algorithm.
You can query the data dictionary view *_MINING_MODEL_SETTINGS
(using the ALL
, or DBA
prefix) to find the setting values for a model. See Oracle Data Mining Application Developer's Guide for information about *_MINING_MODEL_SETTINGS
Table 42-14 NMF Settings
Setting Name | Setting Value | Description |
Convergence tolerance for NMF algorithm Default is 0.05 |
Number of iterations for NMF algorithm Default is 50 |
Random seed for NMF algorithm. Default is –1. |
See Also:
Oracle Data Mining Concepts for information about NMFThese settings affect the behavior of the O-Cluster algorithm.
You can query the data dictionary view *_MINING_MODEL_SETTINGS
(using the ALL
, or DBA
prefix) to find the setting values for a model. See Oracle Data Mining Application Developer's Guide for information about *_ALL_MINING_MODEL_SETTINGS
Table 42-15 O-CLuster Settings
Setting Name | Setting Value | Description |
Buffer size for O-Cluster. Default is 50,000. |
A fraction that specifies the peak density required for separating a new cluster. The fraction is related to the global uniform density. Default is 0.5. |
See Also:
Oracle Data Mining Concepts for information about O-ClusterThese settings affect the behavior of the Support Vector Machine algorithm. SVM can be used for classification or regression, or for anomaly detection (classification with a null target).
You can query the data dictionary view *_MINING_MODEL_SETTINGS
(using the ALL
, or DBA
prefix) to find the setting values for a model. See Oracle Data Mining Application Developer's Guide for information about *_MINING_MODEL_SETTINGS
Table 42-16 SVM Settings
Setting Name | Setting Value | Description |
Whether active learning is enabled or disabled. By default, active learning is enabled. When active learning is enabled, the SVM algorithm uses active learning to build a reduced size model. When active learning is disabled, the SVM algorithm builds a standard model. |
Value of complexity factor for SVM algorithm (both classification and regression). Default value estimated from the data by the algorithm. |
Convergence tolerance for SVM algorithm. Default is 0.001. |
Value of epsilon factor for SVM regression. Default value estimated from the data by the algorithm. |
Value of kernel cache size for SVM algorithm. Applies to Gaussian kernel only. Default is 50000000 bytes. |
Kernel for Support Vector Machine. The default is determined by the algorithm based on the number of attributes in the training data. When there are many attributes, the algorithm uses a linear kernel, otherwise it uses a nonlinear (Gaussian) kernel. The number of attributes does not correspond to the number of columns in the training data. The algorithm explodes categorical attributes to binary, numeric attributes. In addition, Oracle Data Mining handles each row in a nested column as a separate attribute. SVM takes these factors into account when choosing the kernel function. |
The desired rate of outliers in the training data. Valid for One-Class SVM models only (anomaly detection). Default is.1. |
Value of standard deviation for SVM algorithm. This is applicable only for Gaussian kernel. Default value estimated from the data by the algorithm. |
See Also:
Oracle Data Mining Concepts for information about SVMThe DBMS_DATA_MINING
package uses object data types to store information about model attributes. Most of these types are returned by the table functions GET
, where n
identifies the type of information to return. These functions take a model name as input and return the requested information as a collection of rows.
For a list of the GET
functions, see "Summary of DBMS_DATA_MINING Subprograms".
Oracle Data Mining also uses object data types for handling transactional data. These types, DM_NESTED_NUMERICALS
specify nested tables that can be used for storing a set of mining attributes in a single column. For more information on nested tables, see the Oracle Data Mining Application Developer's Guide.
All the table functions use pipelining, which causes each row of output to be materialized as it is read from model storage, without waiting for the generation of the complete table object. For more information on pipelined, parallel table functions, consult the Oracle Database PL/SQL Language Reference.
The Data Mining object data types are described in Table 42-17.
Table 42-17 DBMS_DATA_MINING Summary of Data Types
Data Type | Description |
Information about an attribute in an Adaptive Bayes Network model. |
A collection of |
The centroid of a cluster. |
A collection of |
A child node of a cluster. |
A collection of |
A cluster. A cluster includes |
A collection of |
The conditional probability of an attribute in a Naive Bayes model. |
A collection of |
The actual and predicted values in a cost matrix. |
A collection of |
The coefficient and associated statistics of an attribute in a Generalized Linear Model. |
A collection of |
A histogram associated with a cluster. |
A collection of |
An item in an association rule. |
A collection of |
A collection of |
A collection of |
High-level statistics about a model. |
A collection of |
A model setting. |
A collection of |
An attribute in the model signature. |
A collection of |
Information about an attribute in a Naive Bayes model. |
A collection of |
The name and value of a categorical attribute. |
A collection of |
The name and value of a numerical attribute. |
A collection of |
An attribute in a feature of a Non-Negative Matrix Factorization model. |
A collection of |
A feature in a Non-Negative Matrix Factorization model. |
A collection of |
Antecedent and consequent attributes. |
A collection of |
An attribute ranked by its importance in an Attribute Importance model. |
A collection of |
A rule that defines a conditional relationship. The rule can be one of the association rules returned by GET_ASSOCIATION_RULES Function, or it can be a rule associated with a cluster in the collection of clusters returned by GET_MODEL_DETAILS_KM Function and GET_MODEL_DETAILS_OC Function. |
A collection of |
The name, value, and coefficient of an attribute in a Support Vector Machine model. |
A collection of |
The linear coefficient of each attribute in a Support Vector Machine model. |
A collection of |
The transformation and reverse transformation expressions for an attribute. |
A collection of |
A list of user-specified transformations for a model. Accepted as a parameter by the CREATE_MODEL Procedure. This collection type is defined in the DBMS_DATA_MINING_TRANSFORM package. |
Table 42-18 summarizes the subprograms included in the DBMS_DATA_MINING
Table 42-18 DBMS_DATA_MINING Package Subprograms
Data Type | Purpose |
Adds a cost matrix to a classification model |
Changes the reverse transformation expression to an expression that you specify |
Applies a model to a data set (scores the data) |
Computes the confusion matrix from the |
Computes lift for a given positive target value from the |
Computes Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) for a classification model |
Creates (builds) a model |
Drops a model |
Exports a model to a dump file |
Returns all the default settings for all mining functions and algorithms |
Returns the frequent itemsets for an association model |
Returns the cost matrix for a model |
Returns the details of an Adaptive Bayes Network model |
Returns the details of an Attribute Importance model |
Returns the details of a Generalized Linear Model |
Returns high-level statistics about a model |
Returns the details of a k-Means model |
Returns the details of a Naive Bayes model |
Returns the details of an NMF model |
Returns the details of an O-Cluster model |
Returns the details of an SVM model with a linear kernel |
Returns the details of a Decision Tree model |
Returns the settings used to build a model |
Returns the signature of a model |
Returns the user-specified transformation definitions embedded in the model, as well as many of the ADP transformations |
Converts between two different transformation specification formats |
Imports a model into a user schema |
Ranks the predictions from the |
Removes a cost matrix from a model |
Renames a model |
This procedure associates a cost matrix table with a classification model. The cost matrix biases the model by assigning costs or benefits to specific model outcomes.
The cost matrix is stored with the model and taken into account when the model is scored. The stored cost matrix is the default scoring matrix for the model.
You can also specify a cost matrix inline when you invoke a Data Mining SQL function for scoring. When an inline cost matrix is specified, it is used instead of the default, stored cost matrix (if one exists).
To obtain the default scoring matrix for a model, use the GET_MODEL_COST_MATRIX
function. To remove the default scoring matrix from a model, use the REMOVE_COST_MATRIX
procedure. See "GET_MODEL_COST_MATRIX Function" and "REMOVE_COST_MATRIX Procedure".
See Also:
"Biasing a Classification Model" in Oracle Data Mining Concepts for more information about costs
Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for syntax of inline cost matrix
DBMS_DATA_MINING.ADD_COST_MATRIX ( model_name IN VARCHAR2, cost_matrix_table_name IN VARCHAR2, cost_matrix_schema_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);
Table 42-19 ADD_COST_MATRIX Procedure Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Name of the model in the form [schema_name.]model_name. If you do not specify a schema, your own schema is assumed. |
Name of the cost matrix table (described in Table 42-20). |
Schema of the cost matrix table. If no schema is specified, the current schema is used. |
Usage Notes
If the model is not in your schema, then ADD_COST_MATRIX
system privilege or the ALTER
object privilege for the mining model.
The cost matrix table must have the columns shown in Table 42-20. Note that the actual and predicted target values must have the same data type.
Since a benefit can be viewed as a negative cost, you can specify a benefit for a given outcome by providing a negative number in the costs
column of the cost matrix table.
All classification algorithms can use a cost matrix for scoring. The Decision Tree algorithm can also use a cost matrix at build time.If you want to build a Decision Tree model with a cost matrix, specify the cost matrix table name in the CLAS_COST_TABLE_NAME
setting in the settings table for the model. See Table 42-7, "Mining Function Settings".
The cost matrix used to create a Decision Tree model becomes the default scoring matrix for the model. If you want to specify different costs for scoring, use the REMOVE_COST_MATRIX
procedure to remove the cost matrix and the ADD_COST_MATRIX
procedure to add a new one.
This example creates a cost matrix table called COSTS_NB
and adds it to a Naive Bayes model called NB_SH_CLAS_SAMPLE
. The model has a binary target: 1 means that the customer responds to a promotion; 0 means that the customer does not respond. The cost matrix assigns a cost of .25 to misclassifications of customers who do not respond and a cost of .75 to misclassifications of customers who do respond. This means that it is three times more costly to misclassify responders than it is to misclassify non-responders.
CREATE TABLE costs_nb ( actual_target_value NUMBER, predicted_target_value NUMBER, cost NUMBER); INSERT INTO costs_nb values (0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO costs_nb values (0, 1, .25); INSERT INTO costs_nb values (1, 0, .75); INSERT INTO costs_nb values (1, 1, 0); COMMIT; EXEC dbms_data_mining.add_cost_matrix('nb_sh_clas_sample', 'costs_nb'); SELECT cust_gender, COUNT(*) AS cnt, ROUND(AVG(age)) AS avg_age FROM mining_data_apply_v WHERE PREDICTION(nb_sh_clas_sample COST MODEL USING cust_marital_status, education, household_size) = 1 GROUP BY cust_gender ORDER BY cust_gender; C CNT AVG_AGE - ---------- ---------- F 72 39 M 555 44
This procedure changes a reverse transformation expression to an expression that you specify.
A transformation expression specifies how an attribute will be changed before it is used to create a model. The reverse transformation expression specifies how the attribute will be returned to its original form (or some approximation of its original form) for purposes of model transparency.
functions apply reverse transformations before returning information about a model's attributes. When the target is transformed, its reverse transformation is applied to the results of scoring. See the Usage Notes.
to associate a name/description with a cluster or feature; the descriptor that you specify will be displayed when the model is scored.You can use the CLUSTER_ID
functions to score clustering models. You can use the FEATURE_ID
functions to score feature extraction models. See the Example and Oracle Database SQL Language Reference.
to associate a name/description with the results of an anomaly detection model. These models use One-Class SVM to predict either 1 or 0 for each record, indicating whether or not the record is anomalous. With ALTER_REVERSE_EXPRESSION
, you can replace the zeros and ones with labels that are more meaningful.
Table 42-21 ALTER_REVERSE_EXPRESSION Procedure Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Name of the model in the form [schema_name.]model_name. If you do not specify a schema, your own schema is used. |
A SQL expression. |
Name of the attribute. Specify |
Name of the nested attribute if |
Usage Notes
If you are using automatic data preparation, the transformations and reverse transformations are performed automatically by the system. When you create the model, you can specify transformations and reverse transformations to be applied in addition to the system-generated expressions. If you are not using automatic data preparation, the transformations and reverse transformations that you specify are the only ones that are applied.
This example specifies labels for the clusters that result from the sh_clus
model. The labels consist of the word "Cluster" and the internal numeric identifier for the cluster.
SQL> begin 2 dbms_data_mining.alter_reverse_expression( 3 'sh_clus', '''Cluster ''||value'); 4 end; 5 / SQL> select cust_id, cluster_id(sh_clus using *) cluster_id 2 from sh_aprep_num 3 where cust_id < 100011 4 order by cust_id; CUST_ID CLUSTER_ID ------- ------------------------------------------------ 100001 Cluster 18 100002 Cluster 14 100003 Cluster 14 100004 Cluster 18 100005 Cluster 19 100006 Cluster 7 100007 Cluster 18 100008 Cluster 14 100009 Cluster 8 100010 Cluster 8
This procedure applies a mining model to the data of interest, and generates the results in a table. The apply process is also referred to as scoring.
For predictive mining functions, the apply process generates predictions in a target column. For descriptive mining functions such as clustering, the apply process assigns each case to a cluster with a probability.
In Oracle Data Mining, the apply operation is not applicable to association models and attribute importance models.
Scoring can also be performed directly in SQL using the Data Mining functions. See "Scoring and Deployment" in Oracle Data Mining Application Developer's Guide.Syntax
DBMS_DATA_MINING.APPLY ( model_name IN VARCHAR2, data_table_name IN VARCHAR2, case_id_column_name IN VARCHAR2, result_table_name IN VARCHAR2, data_schema_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);
Table 42-22 APPLY Procedure Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Name of the model in the form [schema_name.]model_name. If you do not specify a schema, your own schema is used. |
Name of table or view representing data to be scored |
Name of the case identifier column |
Name of the table to store apply results |
Name of the schema containing the data to be scored |
Usage Notes
The data provided for APPLY
must undergo the same preprocessing as the data used to create and test the model. When you use Automatic Data Preparation, the preprocessing required by the algorithm is handled for you by the model — both at build time and apply time. (See "Automatic Data Preparation".)
creates a table in the user's schema to hold the results. The columns are algorithm-specific.
The columns in the results table are listed in Table 42-23 through Table 42-27. The case ID column name in the results table will match the case ID column name provided by you. The type of the incoming case ID column is also preserved in APPLY
Make sure that the case ID column does not have the same name as one of the columns that will be created byAPPLY
. For example, when applying a classification model, the case ID in the scoring data must not be 'PREDICTION
' (See Table 42-23).The data type for the 'PREDICTION
', and 'FEATURE_ID
' output columns is influenced by any reverse expression that is embedded in the model by the user. If the user does not provide a reverse expression that alters the scored value type, then the types will conform to the descriptions in the following tables. See "ALTER_REVERSE_EXPRESSION Procedure".
The results table for classification has the columns described in Table 42-23. If the target of the model is categorical, the PREDICTION
column will have a VARCHAR2
data type. If the target is numerical, the PREDICTION
column will have a NUMBER
data type.
Table 42-23 APPLY Results Table for Classification
Column Name | Data Type |
Case ID column name |
The results table for anomaly detection has the columns described in Table 42-24.
Table 42-24 APPLY Results Table for Anomaly Detection
Column Name | Data Type |
Case ID column name |
Values in the PREDICTION
column can be either 0 or 1. When the prediction is 1, the case is a typical example. When the prediction is 0, the case is an outlier.
The results table for regression has the columns described in Table 42-25.
Table 42-25 APPLY Results Table for Regression
Column Name | Data Type |
Case ID column name |
Clustering is an unsupervised mining function, and hence there are no targets. The results of an APPLY
operation will contain simply the cluster identifier corresponding to a case, and the associated probability. The results table has the columns described in Table 42-26.
Table 42-26 APPLY Results Table for Clustering
Column Name | Data Type |
Case ID column name |
Feature extraction is also an unsupervised mining function, and hence there are no targets. The results of an APPLY
operation will contain simply the feature identifier corresponding to a case, and the associated match quality. The results table has the columns described in Table 42-27.
Table 42-27 APPLY Results Table for Feature Extraction
Column Name | Data Type |
Case ID column name |
This example applies the GLM regression model GLMR_SH_REGR_SAMPLE
to the data in the MINING_DATA_APPLY_V
view. The apply results are output to the table REGRESSION_APPLY_RESULT
SQL> BEGIN DBMS_DATA_MINING.APPLY ( model_name => 'glmr_sh_regr_sample', data_table_name => 'mining_data_apply_v', case_id_column_name => 'cust_id', result_table_name => 'regression_apply_result'); END; / SQL> SELECT * FROM regression_apply_result WHERE cust_id > 101485; CUST_ID PREDICTION ---------- ---------- 101486 22.8048824 101487 25.0261101 101488 48.6146619 101489 51.82595 101490 22.6220714 101491 61.3856816 101492 24.1400748 101493 58.034631 101494 45.7253149 101495 26.9763318 101496 48.1433425 101497 32.0573434 101498 49.8965531 101499 56.270656 101500 21.1153047
This procedure computes a confusion matrix, stores it in a table in the user's schema, and returns the model accuracy.
A confusion matrix is a test metric for classification models. It compares the predictions generated by the model with the actual target values in a set of test data. The matrix is n-by-n, where n is the number of classes. The confusion matrix lists the number of times each class was correctly predicted and the number of times it was predicted to be one of the other classes.
accepts three input streams:
The predictions generated on the test data. The information is passed in three columns:
Case ID column
Prediction column
Scoring criterion column containing either probabilities or costs
The known target values in the test data. The information is passed in two columns:
Case ID column
Target column containing the known target values
(Optional) A cost matrix table with predefined columns. See the Usage Notes for the column requirements.
See Also:
Oracle Data Mining Concepts for more details about confusion matrixes and other test metrics for classification
DBMS_DATA_MINING.COMPUTE_CONFUSION_MATRIX ( accuracy OUT NUMBER, apply_result_table_name IN VARCHAR2, target_table_name IN VARCHAR2, case_id_column_name IN VARCHAR2, target_column_name IN VARCHAR2, confusion_matrix_table_name IN VARCHAR2, score_column_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'PREDICTION', score_criterion_column_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'PROBABILITY', cost_matrix_table_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, apply_result_schema_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, target_schema_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, cost_matrix_schema_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, score_criterion_type IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'PROBABILITY');
Table 42-28 COMPUTE_CONFUSION_MATRIX Procedure Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Output parameter containing the overall percentage accuracy of the predictions. |
Table containing the predictions. |
Table containing the known target values from the test data. |
Case ID column in the apply results table. Must match the case identifier in the targets table. |
Target column in the targets table. Contains the known target values from the test data. |
Table containing the confusion matrix. The table will be created by the procedure in the user's schema. The columns in the confusion matrix table are described in the Usage Notes. |
Column containing the predictions in the apply results table. The default column name is |
Column containing the scoring criterion in the apply results table. Contains either the probabilities or the costs that determine the predictions. By default, scoring is based on probability; the class with the highest probability is predicted for each case. If scoring is based on cost, the class with the lowest cost is predicted. The The default column name is ' See the Usage Notes for additional information. |
(Optional) Table that defines the costs associated with misclassifications. If a cost matrix table is provided and the The columns in a cost matrix table are described in the Usage Notes. |
Schema of the apply results table. If null, the user's schema is assumed. |
Schema of the table containing the known targets. If null, the user's schema is assumed. |
Schema of the cost matrix table, if one is provided. If null, the user's schema is assumed. |
Whether to use probabilities or costs as the scoring criterion. Probabilities or costs are passed in the column identified in the The default value of If See the Usage Notes and the Examples. |
Usage Notes
The predictive information you pass to COMPUTE_CONFUSION_MATRIX
may be generated using SQL PREDICTION
procedure, or some other mechanism. As long as you pass the appropriate data, the procedure can compute the confusion matrix.
Instead of passing a cost matrix to COMPUTE_CONFUSION_MATRIX
, you can use a scoring cost matrix associated with the model. A scoring cost matrix can be embedded in the model or it can be defined dynamically when the model is applied. To use a scoring cost matrix, invoke the SQL PREDICTION_COST
function to populate the score criterion column.
The predictions that you pass to COMPUTE_CONFUSION_MATRIX
are in a table or view specified in apply_result_table_name
CREATE TABLE apply_result_table_name AS ( case_id_column_name VARCHAR2, score_column_name VARCHAR2, score_criterion_column_name VARCHAR2);
A cost matrix must have the columns described in Table 42-29.
Table 42-29 Columns in a Cost Matrix
Column Name | Data Type |
See Also:
Oracle Data Mining Concepts for more information about cost matrixesThe confusion matrix created by COMPUTE_CONFUSION_MATRIX
has the columns described in Table 42-30.
Table 42-30 Columns in a Confusion Matrix
Column Name | Data Type |
See Also:
Oracle Data Mining Concepts for more information about confusion matrixesExamples
These examples use the Naive Bayes model nb_sh_clas_sample
, which is created by one of the Oracle Data Mining sample programs.
Compute a Confusion Matrix Based on Probabilities
The following statement applies the model to the test data and stores the predictions and probabilities in a table.
CREATE TABLE nb_apply_results AS SELECT cust_id, PREDICTION(nb_sh_clas_sample USING *) prediction, PREDICTION_PROBABILITY(nb_sh_clas_sample USING *) probability FROM mining_data_test_v;
Using probabilities as the scoring criterion, you can compute the confusion matrix as follows.
DECLARE v_accuracy NUMBER; BEGIN DBMS_DATA_MINING.COMPUTE_CONFUSION_MATRIX ( accuracy => v_accuracy, apply_result_table_name => 'nb_apply_results', target_table_name => 'mining_data_test_v', case_id_column_name => 'cust_id', target_column_name => 'affinity_card', confusion_matrix_table_name => 'nb_confusion_matrix', score_column_name => 'PREDICTION', score_criterion_column_name => 'PROBABILITY' cost_matrix_table_name => null, apply_result_schema_name => null, target_schema_name => null, cost_matrix_schema_name => null, score_criterion_type => 'PROBABILITY'); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('**** MODEL ACCURACY ****: ' || ROUND(v_accuracy,4)); END; /
The confusion matrix and model accuracy are shown as follows.
**** MODEL ACCURACY ****: .7847 SQL>SELECT * from nb_confusion_matrix; ACTUAL_TARGET_VALUE PREDICTED_TARGET_VALUE VALUE ------------------- ---------------------- ---------- 1 0 60 0 0 891 1 1 286 0 1 263
Compute a Confusion Matrix Based on a Cost Matrix Table
The confusion matrix in the previous example shows a high rate of false positives. For 263 cases, the model predicted 1 when the actual value was 0. You could use a cost matrix to minimize this type of error.
The cost matrix table nb_cost_matrix
specifies that a false positive is 3 times more costly than a false negative.
SQL> SELECT * from nb_cost_matrix; ACTUAL_TARGET_VALUE PREDICTED_TARGET_VALUE COST ------------------- ---------------------- ---------- 0 0 0 0 1 .75 1 0 .25 1 1 0
This statement shows how to generate the predictions using APPLY
BEGIN DBMS_DATA_MINING.APPLY( model_name => 'nb_sh_clas_sample', data_table_name => 'mining_data_test_v', case_id_column_name => 'cust_id', result_table_name => 'nb_apply_results'); END; /
This statement computes the confusion matrix using the cost matrix table. The score criterion column is named 'PROBABILITY
', which is the name generated by APPLY
DECLARE v_accuracy NUMBER; BEGIN DBMS_DATA_MINING.COMPUTE_CONFUSION_MATRIX ( accuracy => v_accuracy, apply_result_table_name => 'nb_apply_results', target_table_name => 'mining_data_test_v', case_id_column_name => 'cust_id', target_column_name => 'affinity_card', confusion_matrix_table_name => 'nb_confusion_matrix', score_column_name => 'PREDICTION', score_criterion_column_name => 'PROBABILITY', cost_matrix_table_name => 'nb_cost_matrix', apply_result_schema_name => null, target_schema_name => null, cost_matrix_schema_name => null, score_criterion_type => 'COST'); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('**** MODEL ACCURACY ****: ' || ROUND(v_accuracy,4)); END; /
The resulting confusion matrix shows a decrease in false positives (212 instead of 263).
**** MODEL ACCURACY ****: .798 SQL> SELECT * FROM nb_confusion_matrix; ACTUAL_TARGET_VALUE PREDICTED_TARGET_VALUE VALUE ------------------- ---------------------- ---------- 1 0 91 0 0 942 1 1 255 0 1 212
Compute a Confusion Matrix Based on Embedded Costs
You can use the ADD_COST_MATRIX
procedure to embed a cost matrix in a model. The embedded costs can be used instead of probabilities for scoring. This statement adds the previously-defined cost matrix to the model.
BEGIN DBMS_DATA_MINING.ADD_COST_MATRIX ('nb_sh_clas_sample', 'nb_cost_matrix');END;/
The following statement applies the model to the test data using the embedded costs and stores the results in a table.
CREATE TABLE nb_apply_results AS SELECT cust_id, PREDICTION(nb_sh_clas_sample COST MODEL USING *) prediction, PREDICTION_COST(nb_sh_clas_sample COST MODEL USING *) cost FROM mining_data_test_v;
You can compute the confusion matrix using the embedded costs.
DECLARE v_accuracy NUMBER; BEGIN DBMS_DATA_MINING.COMPUTE_CONFUSION_MATRIX ( accuracy => v_accuracy, apply_result_table_name => 'nb_apply_results', target_table_name => 'mining_data_test_v', case_id_column_name => 'cust_id', target_column_name => 'affinity_card', confusion_matrix_table_name => 'nb_confusion_matrix', score_column_name => 'PREDICTION', score_criterion_column_name => 'COST', cost_matrix_table_name => null, apply_result_schema_name => null, target_schema_name => null, cost_matrix_schema_name => null, score_criterion_type => 'COST'); END; /
The results are:
**** MODEL ACCURACY ****: .798 SQL> SELECT * FROM nb_confusion_matrix; ACTUAL_TARGET_VALUE PREDICTED_TARGET_VALUE VALUE ------------------- ---------------------- ---------- 1 0 91 0 0 942 1 1 255 0 1 212
This procedure computes lift and stores the results in a table in the user's schema.
Lift is a test metric for binary classification models. To compute lift, one of the target values must be designated as the positive class. COMPUTE_LIFT
compares the predictions generated by the model with the actual target values in a set of test data. Lift measures the degree to which the model's predictions of the positive class are an improvement over random chance.
Lift is computed on scoring results that have been ranked by probability (or cost) and divided into quantiles. Each quantile includes the scores for the same number of cases.
calculates quantile-based and cumulative statistics. The number of quantiles and the positive class are user-specified. Additionally, COMPUTE_LIFT
accepts three input streams:
The predictions generated on the test data. The information is passed in three columns:
Case ID column
Prediction column
Scoring criterion column containing either probabilities or costs associated with the predictions
The known target values in the test data. The information is passed in two columns:
Case ID column
Target column containing the known target values
(Optional) A cost matrix table with predefined columns. See the Usage Notes for the column requirements.
See Also:
Oracle Data Mining Concepts for more details about lift and test metrics for classification
DBMS_DATA_MINING.COMPUTE_LIFT ( apply_result_table_name IN VARCHAR2, target_table_name IN VARCHAR2, case_id_column_name IN VARCHAR2, target_column_name IN VARCHAR2, lift_table_name IN VARCHAR2, positive_target_value IN VARCHAR2, score_column_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'PREDICTION', score_criterion_column_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'PROBABILITY', num_quantiles IN NUMBER DEFAULT 10, cost_matrix_table_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, apply_result_schema_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, target_schema_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, cost_matrix_schema_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL score_criterion_type IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'PROBABILITY');
Table 42-31 COMPUTE_LIFT Procedure Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Table containing the predictions. |
Table containing the known target values from the test data. |
Case ID column in the apply results table. Must match the case identifier in the targets table. |
Target column in the targets table. Contains the known target values from the test data. |
Table containing the lift statistics. The table will be created by the procedure in the user's schema. The columns in the lift table are described in the Usage Notes. |
The positive class. This should be the class of interest, for which you want to calculate lift. If the target column is a |
Column containing the predictions in the apply results table. The default column name is ' |
Column containing the scoring criterion in the apply results table. Contains either the probabilities or the costs that determine the predictions. By default, scoring is based on probability; the class with the highest probability is predicted for each case. If scoring is based on cost, the class with the lowest cost is predicted. The The default column name is ' See the Usage Notes for additional information. |
Number of quantiles to be used in calculating lift. The default is 10. |
(Optional) Table that defines the costs associated with misclassifications. If a cost matrix table is provided and the The columns in a cost matrix table are described in the Usage Notes. |
Schema of the apply results table. If null, the user's schema is assumed. |
Schema of the table containing the known targets. If null, the user's schema is assumed. |
Schema of the cost matrix table, if one is provided. If null, the user's schema is assumed. |
Whether to use probabilities or costs as the scoring criterion. Probabilities or costs are passed in the column identified in the The default value of If See the Usage Notes and the Examples. |
Usage Notes
The predictive information you pass to COMPUTE_LIFT
may be generated using SQL PREDICTION
procedure, or some other mechanism. As long as you pass the appropriate data, the procedure can compute the lift.
Instead of passing a cost matrix to COMPUTE_LIFT
, you can use a scoring cost matrix associated with the model. A scoring cost matrix can be embedded in the model or it can be defined dynamically when the model is applied. To use a scoring cost matrix, invoke the SQL PREDICTION_COST
function to populate the score criterion column.
The predictions that you pass to COMPUTE_LIFT
are in a table or view specified in apply_results_table_name
CREATE TABLE apply_result_table_name AS ( case_id_column_name VARCHAR2, score_column_name VARCHAR2, score_criterion_column_name VARCHAR2);
A cost matrix must have the columns described in Table 42-32.
Table 42-32 Columns in a Cost Matrix
Column Name | Data Type |
See Also:
Oracle Data Mining Concepts for more information about cost matrixesThe table created by COMPUTE_LIFT
has the columns described in Table 42-33
Table 42-33 Columns in a Lift Table
Column Name | Data Type |
See Also:
Oracle Data Mining Concepts for details about the information in the lift tableWhen a cost matrix is passed to COMPUTE_LIFT
, the cost threshold is returned in the probability_threshold
column of the lift table.
This example uses the Naive Bayes model nb_sh_clas_sample, which is created by one of the Oracle Data Mining sample programs.
The example illustrates lift based on probabilities. For examples that show computation based on costs, see "COMPUTE_CONFUSION_MATRIX Procedure".
Compute Lift Based on Probabilities
The following statement applies the model to the test data and stores the predictions and probabilities in a table.
CREATE TABLE nb_apply_results AS SELECT cust_id, PREDICTION(nb_sh_clas_sample USING *) prediction, PREDICTION_PROBABILITY(nb_sh_clas_sample USING *) probability FROM mining_data_test_v;
Using probabilities as the scoring criterion, you can compute lift as follows.
BEGIN DBMS_DATA_MINING.COMPUTE_LIFT ( apply_result_table_name => 'nb_apply_results', target_table_name => 'mining_data_test_v', case_id_column_name => 'cust_id', target_column_name => 'affinity_card', lift_table_name => 'nb_lift', positive_target_value => to_char(1), score_column_name => 'PREDICTION', score_criterion_column_name => 'PROBABILITY', num_quantiles => 10, cost_matrix_table_name => null, apply_result_schema_name => null, target_schema_name => null, cost_matrix_schema_name => null, score_criterion_type => 'PROBABILITY'); END; /
This query displays some of the statistics from the resulting lift table.
SQL>SELECT quantile_number, probability_threshold, gain_cumulative, quantile_total_count FROM nb_lift; QUANTILE_NUMBER PROBABILITY_THRESHOLD GAIN_CUMULATIVE QUANTILE_TOTAL_COUNT --------------- --------------------- --------------- -------------------- 1 .989335775 .15034965 55 2 .980534911 .26048951 55 3 .968506098 .374125874 55 4 .958975196 .493006993 55 5 .946705997 .587412587 55 6 .927454174 .66958042 55 7 .904403627 .748251748 55 8 .836482525 .839160839 55 10 .500184953 1 54
This procedure computes receiver operating characteristic (ROC), stores the results in a table in the user's schema, and returns a measure of the model accuracy.
ROC is a test metric for binary classification models. To compute ROC, one of the target values must be designated as the positive class. COMPUTE_ROC
compares the predictions generated by the model with the actual target values in a set of test data.
ROC measures the impact of changes in the probability threshold. The probability threshold is the decision point used by the model for predictions. In binary classification, the default probability threshold is 0.5. The value predicted for each case is the one with a probability greater than 50%.
ROC can be plotted as a curve on an X-Y axis. The false positive rate is placed on the X axis. The true positive rate is placed on the Y axis. A false positive is a positive prediction for a case that is negative in the test data. A true positive is a positive prediction for a case that is positive in the test data.
accepts two input streams:
The predictions generated on the test data. The information is passed in three columns:
Case ID column
Prediction column
Scoring criterion column containing probabilities
The known target values in the test data. The information is passed in two columns:
Case ID column
Target column containing the known target values
See Also:
Oracle Data Mining Concepts for more details about ROC and test metrics for classification
DBMS_DATA_MINING.COMPUTE_ROC ( roc_area_under_curve OUT NUMBER, apply_result_table_name IN VARCHAR2, target_table_name IN VARCHAR2, case_id_column_name IN VARCHAR2, target_column_name IN VARCHAR2, roc_table_name IN VARCHAR2, positive_target_value IN VARCHAR2, score_column_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'PREDICTION', score_criterion_column_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'PROBABILITY', apply_result_schema_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, target_schema_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);
Table 42-34 COMPUTE_ROC Procedure Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Output parameter containing the area under the ROC curve (AUC). The AUC measures the likelihood that an actual positive will be predicted as positive. The greater the AUC, the greater the flexibility of the model in accommodating trade-offs between positive and negative class predictions. AUC can be especially important when one target class is rarer or more important to identify than another. |
Table containing the predictions. |
Table containing the known target values from the test data. |
Case ID column in the apply results table. Must match the case identifier in the targets table. |
Target column in the targets table. Contains the known target values from the test data. |
Table containing the ROC output. The table will be created by the procedure in the user's schema. The columns in the ROC table are described in the Usage Notes. |
The positive class. This should be the class of interest, for which you want to calculate ROC. If the target column is a |
Column containing the predictions in the apply results table. The default column name is ' |
Column containing the scoring criterion in the apply results table. Contains the probabilities that determine the predictions. The default column name is ' |
Schema of the apply results table. If null, the user's schema is assumed. |
Schema of the table containing the known targets. If null, the user's schema is assumed. |
Usage Notes
The predictive information you pass to COMPUTE_ROC
may be generated using SQL PREDICTION
procedure, or some other mechanism. As long as you pass the appropriate data, the procedure can compute the receiver operating characteristic.
The predictions that you pass to COMPUTE_ROC
are in a table or view specified in apply_results_table_name
CREATE TABLE apply_result_table_name AS ( case_id_column_name VARCHAR2, score_column_name VARCHAR2, score_criterion_column_name VARCHAR2);
The table created by COMPUTE_ROC
has the columns shown in Table 42-35.
ROC is typically used to determine the most desirable probability threshold. This can be done by examining the true positive fraction and the false positive fraction. The true positive fraction is the percentage of all positive cases in the test data that were correctly predicted as positive. The false positive fraction is the percentage of all negative cases in the test data that were incorrectly predicted as positive.
Given a probability threshold, the following statement returns the positive predictions in an apply result table ordered by probability.
SELECT case_id_column_name FROM apply_result_table_name WHERE probability > probability_threshold ORDER BY probability DESC;
There are two approaches to identifying the most desirable probability threshold. Which approach you use depends on whether or not you know the relative cost of positive versus negative class prediction errors.
If the costs are known, you can apply the relative costs to the ROC table to compute the minimum cost probability threshold. Suppose the relative cost ratio is: Positive Class Error Cost / Negative Class Error Cost = 20. Then execute a query like this.
WITH cost AS ( SELECT probability_threshold, 20 * false_negatives + false_positives cost FROM ROC_table GROUP BY probability_threshold), minCost AS ( SELECT min(cost) minCost FROM cost) SELECT max(probability_threshold)probability_threshold FROM cost, minCost WHERE cost = minCost;
If relative costs are not well known, you can simply scan the values in the ROC table (in sorted order) and make a determination about which of the displayed trade-offs (misclassified positives versus misclassified negatives) is most desirable.
SELECT * FROM ROC_table ORDER BY probability_threshold;
This example uses the Naive Bayes model nb_sh_clas_sample, which is created by one of the Oracle Data Mining sample programs.
The following statement applies the model to the test data and stores the predictions and probabilities in a table.
CREATE TABLE nb_apply_results AS SELECT cust_id, PREDICTION(nb_sh_clas_sample USING *) prediction, PREDICTION_PROBABILITY(nb_sh_clas_sample USING *) probability FROM mining_data_test_v;
Using the predictions and the target values from the test data, you can compute ROC as follows.
DECLARE v_area_under_curve NUMBER; BEGIN DBMS_DATA_MINING.COMPUTE_ROC ( roc_area_under_curve => v_area_under_curve, apply_result_table_name => 'nb_apply_results', target_table_name => 'mining_data_test_v', case_id_column_name => 'cust_id', target_column_name => 'affinity_card', roc_table_name => 'nb_roc', positive_target_value => '1', score_column_name => 'PREDICTION', score_criterion_column_name => 'PROBABILITY'); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('**** AREA UNDER ROC CURVE ****: ' || ROUND(v_area_under_curve,4)); END; /
The resulting AUC and a selection of columns from the ROC table are shown as follows.
**** AREA UNDER ROC CURVE ****: .8212 SQL> SELECT probability, true_positive_fraction, false_positive_fraction FROM nb_roc; PROBABILITY TRUE_POSITIVE_FRACTION FALSE_POSITIVE_FRACTION ----------- ---------------------- ----------------------- .00000 1 1 .50018 .826589595 .227902946 .53851 .823699422 .221837088 .54991 .820809249 .217504333 .55628 .815028902 .215771231 .55628 .817919075 .215771231 .57563 .800578035 .214904679 .57563 .812138728 .214904679 . . . . . . . . .
This procedure creates a mining model with a given mining function.
By passing an xform_list
, you can specify a list of transformations to be performed on the input data. If the PREP_AUTO
setting is on, the transformations are used in addition to the automatic transformations. If the PREP_AUTO
setting is off, the specified transformations are the only ones implemented by the model. In both cases, the transformation definitions are embedded in the model and executed automatically whenever the model is applied. See "Automatic Data Preparation".
DBMS_DATA_MINING.CREATE_MODEL ( model_name IN VARCHAR2, mining_function IN VARCHAR2, data_table_name IN VARCHAR2, case_id_column_name IN VARCHAR2, target_column_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, settings_table_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, data_schema_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, settings_schema_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, xform_list IN TRANSFORM_LIST DEFAULT NULL);
Table 42-36 CREATE_MODEL Procedure Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Name of the model in the form [schema_name.]model_name. If you do not specify a schema, your own schema is used. See also "Mining Model Naming Restrictions". |
The mining function. Values are listed in Table 42-2, "Mining Functions". |
Table or view containing the build data. |
Case identifier column in the build data. |
For supervised models, the target column in the build data. |
Table containing build settings for the model. |
Schema hosting the build data. If |
Schema hosting the settings table. If |
A list of transformations to be used in addition to or instead of automatic transformations, depending on the value of the The data type is TYPE TRANFORM_REC IS RECORD ( attribute_name VARCHAR2(4000), attribute_subname VARCHAR2(4000), expression EXPRESSION_REC, reverse_expression EXPRESSION_REC, attribute_spec VARCHAR2(4000)); Each The SQL expression stored in You can use The ' |
Usage Notes
You can obtain information about a model by querying these data dictionary views.
Specify the USER
prefix instead of ALL
to obtain information about models in your own schema only.
See Also:
Oracle Data Mining Application Developer's Guide for information on the data dictionary viewsExamples
The first example builds a classification model using the Support Vector Machine algorithm.
-- Create the settings table CREATE TABLE svm_model_settings ( setting_name VARCHAR2(30), setting_value VARCHAR2(30)); -- Populate the settings table -- Specify SVM. By default, Naive Bayes is used for classification. -- Specify ADP. By default, ADP is not used. BEGIN INSERT INTO svm_model_settings (setting_name, setting_value) VALUES (dbms_data_mining.algo_name, dbms_data_mining.algo_support_vector_machines); INSERT INTO svm_model_settings (setting_name, setting_value) VALUES (dbms_data_mining.prep_auto,dbms_data_mining.prep_auto_on); COMMIT; END; / -- Create the model using the specified settings BEGIN DBMS_DATA_MINING.CREATE_MODEL( model_name => 'svm_model', mining_function => dbms_data_mining.classification, data_table_name => 'mining_data_build_v', case_id_column_name => 'cust_id', target_column_name => 'affinity_card', settings_table_name => 'svm_model_settings'); END; /
You can display the model settings with the following query.
The second example creates an anomaly detection model. Anomaly detection uses SVM classification without a target. This example uses the same settings table created for the SVM classification model in the first example.
BEGIN DBMS_DATA_MINING.CREATE_MODEL( model_name => 'anomaly_detect_model', mining_function => dbms_data_mining.classification, data_table_name => 'mining_data_build_v', case_id_column_name => 'cust_id', target_column_name => null, settings_table_name => 'svm_model_settings'); END; /
This query shows that the models created in these examples are the only ones in your schema.
SELECT model_name, mining_function, algorithm FROM user_mining_models; MODEL_NAME MINING_FUNCTION ALGORITHM ---------------------- -------------------- ------------------------------ SVM_MODEL CLASSIFICATION SUPPORT_VECTOR_MACHINES ANOMALY_DETECT_MODEL CLASSIFICATION SUPPORT_VECTOR_MACHINES
This query shows that only the SVM classification model has a target.
SELECT model_name, attribute_name, attribute_type, target FROM user_mining_model_attributes WHERE target = 'YES'; MODEL_NAME ATTRIBUTE_NAME ATTRIBUTE_TYPE TARGET ------------------ --------------- ----------------- ------ SVM_MODEL AFFINITY_CARD CATEGORICAL YES
This procedure deletes the specified mining model.
Table 42-37 DROP_MODEL Procedure Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Name of the mining model in the form [schema_name.]model_name. If you do not specify a schema, your own schema is used. |
Forces the mining model to be dropped even if it is invalid. A mining model may be invalid if a serious system error interrupted the model build process. |
Usage Note
To drop a mining model, you must be the owner or you must have the DROP ANY MINING MODEL
privilege. See Oracle Data Mining Administrator's Guide for information about privileges for data mining.
You can use the following command to delete a valid mining model named nb_sh_clas_sample
that exists in your schema.
BEGIN DBMS_DATA_MINING.DROP_MODEL(model_name => 'nb_sh_clas_sample'); END; /
This procedure exports the specified data mining models to a dump file set. You can import from the dump file set using the IMPORT_MODEL
procedure. Both EXPORT_MODEL
use Oracle Data Pump technology.
See Also:
Oracle Data Mining Administrator's Guide for more information on model export and importSyntax
Table 42-38 EXPORT_MODEL Procedure Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Name of the dump file set to which the models should be exported. The name must be unique within the schema. The dump file set can contain one or more files. The number of files in a dump file set is determined by the size of the models being exported (both metadata and data) and a specified or estimated maximum file size. You can specify the file size in the When the export operation completes successfully, the name of the dump file set is automatically expanded to |
Name of a pre-defined directory object that specifies where the dump file set should be created. You must have read/write privileges on the directory object and on the file system directory that it identifies. |
Optional parameter that specifies which model or models to export. If you do not specify a value for You can export individual models by name and groups of models based on mining function or algorithm. For instance, you could export all regression models or all Naive Bayes models. Examples are provided in Table 42-39. |
Optional parameter that specifies the maximum size of a file in the dump file set. The size may be specified in bytes, kilobytes (K), megabytes (M), or gigabytes (G). The default size is 50 MB. If the size of the models to export is larger than |
Optional parameter that specifies whether or not to estimate the size of the files in the dump set. By default the size is not estimated and the value of the You can specify either of the following values for
Optional parameter not used in this release. Set to |
Optional parameter that specifies the name of the export job. By default, the name has the form If you specify a job name, it must be unique within the schema. The maximum length of the job name is 30 characters. A log file for the export job, named |
Usage Notes
The model_filter
parameter specifies which models to export. You can list the models by name, or you can specify all models that have the same mining function or algorithm. You can query the USER_MINING_MODELS
view to list the models in your schema.
SQL> describe user_mining_models Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- MODEL_NAME NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30) MINING_FUNCTION VARCHAR2(30) ALGORITHM VARCHAR2(30) CREATION_DATE NOT NULL DATE BUILD_DURATION NUMBER MODEL_SIZE NUMBER COMMENTS VARCHAR2(4000)
For more information on data dictionary views of mining models, see "Mining Model Objects".
Examples of model filters are provided in Table 42-39.
Table 42-39 Sample Values for the Model Filter Parameter
Sample Value | Meaning |
Export the model named |
Export the model named |
Export the models named |
Export all Naive Bayes models. See Table 42-4 for a list of algorithm names. |
Export all classification models. See Table 42-2 for a list of mining functions. |
The following statement exports all the models in the DMUSER3
schema to a dump file set called models_out
in the directory $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/log
. This directory is mapped to a directory object called DATA_PUMP_DIR
user has read/write access to the directory and to the directory object.
SQL>execute dbms_data_mining.export_model ('models_out', 'DATA_PUMP_DIR');
You can exit SQL*Plus and list the resulting dump file and log file.
SQL>exit >cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/log >ls >DMUSER3_exp_1027.log models_out01.dmp
The following example uses the same directory object and is executed by the same user. It exports the models called NMF_SH_SAMPLE
to a different dump file set in the same directory.
SQL>execute dbms_data_mining.export_model ( 'models2_out', 'DATA_PUMP_DIR', 'name in (''NMF_SH_SAMPLE'', ''SVMR_SH_REGR_SAMPLE'')'); SQL>exit >cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/log >ls >DMUSER3_exp_1027.log models_out01.dmp DMUSER3_exp_924.log models2_out01.dmp
This table function returns the rules from an association model.
You can specify filtering criteria to cause GET_ASSOCIATION_RULES
to return a subset of the rules. Filtering criteria can improve the performance of the table function. If the number of rules is large, the greatest performance improvement will result from specifying the topn
Table 42-40 GET_ASSOCIATION_RULES Function Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Name of the model in the form [schema_name.]model_name. If you do not specify a schema, your own schema is used. This is the only required parameter of |
Return the n top rules ordered by confidence and then support, both descending. If you specify a sort order, the top n rules are derived after the sort is performed. If |
Identifier of the rule to return. If you specify a value for |
Return the rules with confidence greater than or equal to this number |
Return the rules with support greater than or equal to this number |
Return the rules with a length less than or equal to this number. Rule length refers to the number of items in the rule (See If |
Return the rules with a length greater than or equal to this number. See If |
Sort the rules by the values in one or more of the returned columns. Specify one or more column names, each followed by For example, to sort the result set in descending order first by the
If you specify By default, the results are sorted by confidence in descending order, then by support in descending order. See the examples. |
Return the rules with these items in the antecedent. See the examples. |
Return the rules with this item in the consequent. See the examples. |
Return the rules with lift greater than or equal to this number. |
Return Values
Table 42-41 GET_ASSOCIATION RULES Function Return Values
Return Value | Description |
Represents a set of rows of type (rule_id INTEGER, antecedent DM_PREDICATES, consequent DM_PREDICATES, rule_support NUMBER, rule_confidence NUMBER, rule_lift NUMBER, antecedent_support NUMBER, consequent_support NUMBER, number_of_items INTEGER ) |
The (attribute_name VARCHAR2(4000), attribute_subname VARCHAR2(4000), conditional_operator CHAR(2)/*=,<>,<,>,<=,>=*/, attribute_num_value NUMBER, attribute_str_value VARCHAR2(4000), attribute_support NUMBER, attribute_confidence NUMBER) |
Usage Notes
This table function pipes out rows of type DM_RULES
. For information on Data Mining data types and piped output from table functions, see "Data Types".
type is defined as a table of VARCHAR2(4000)
The following example demonstrates an Association model build followed by several invocations of the GET_ASSOCIATION_RULES
table function.
-- prepare a settings table to override default settings CREATE TABLE market_settings AS SELECT * FROM TABLE(DBMS_DATA_MINING.GET_DEFAULT_SETTINGS) WHERE setting_name LIKE 'ASSO_%'; BEGIN -- update the value of the minimum confidence UPDATE census_settings SET setting_value = TO_CHAR(0.081) WHERE setting_name = DBMS_DATA_MINING.asso_min_confidence; -- build an AR model DBMS_DATA_MINING.CREATE_MODEL( model_name => 'market_model', function => DBMS_DATA_MINING.ASSOCIATION, data_table_name => 'market_build', case_id_column_name => 'item_id', target_column_name => NULL, settings_table_name => 'census_settings'); END; / -- View the (unformatted) rules SELECT rule_id, antecedent, consequent, rule_support, rule_confidence FROM TABLE(DBMS_DATA_MINING.GET_ASSOCIATION_RULES('market_model'));
In the previous example, you view all rules. To view just the top 20 rules, use the following statement.
-- View the top 20 (unformatted) rules SELECT rule_id, antecedent, consequent, rule_support, rule_confidence FROM TABLE(DBMS_DATA_MINING.GET_ASSOCIATION_RULES('market_model', 20));
The following example returns all the rules which have 'AQUATIC
' or 'EGGS
' in the antecedent, and has 'VENOMOUS
' as the consequent. The rules are sorted first by NUMBER_OF_ITEMS
in descending order, then by RULE_CONFIDENCE
in descending order, and finally by RULE_SUPPORT
in descending order.
function was deprecated in Oracle Data Mining 11g Release 1 (11.1). It was replaced with the data dictionary view *_MINING_MODEL_SETTINGS
, ALL_
, and DBA_
versions of the view are available. See Oracle Data Mining Application Developer's Guide.
Oracle recommends that you do not use deprecated procedures in new applications. Support for deprecated features is for backward compatibility only.
See "Deprecated Subprograms"This table function returns the default settings for all mining functions and algorithms supported in the DBMS_DATA_MINING
Return Values
Table 42-42 GET_DEFAULT_SETTINGS Function Return Values
Return Value | Description |
Represents a set of rows of type (setting_name VARCHAR2(30), setting_value VARCHAR2(128)) |
Usage Notes
This table function pipes out rows of type DM_MODEL_SETTING
. For information on Data Mining data types and piped output from table functions, see "Data Types".
This function is particularly useful if you do not know what settings are associated with a particular function or algorithm, and you want to override some or all of them.
For example, if you want to override some or all of k-Means clustering settings, you can create a settings table as shown, and update individual settings as required.
BEGIN CREATE TABLE mysettings AS SELECT * FROM TABLE(DBMS_DATA_MINING.GET_DEFAULT_SETTINGS) WHERE setting_name LIKE 'KMNS%'; -- now update individual settings as required UPDATE mysettings SET setting_value = 0.02 WHERE setting_name = DBMS_DATA_MINING.KMNS_MIN_PCT_ATTR_SUPPORT; END; /
This table function returns a set of rows that represent the frequent itemsets from an Association model. For a detailed description of frequent itemsets, consult Oracle Data Mining Concepts.
Table 42-43 GET_FREQUENT_ITEMSETS Function Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Name of the model in the form [schema_name.]model_name. If you do not specify a schema, your own schema is used. |
When not |
Maximum length of an item set. |
Return Values
Table 42-44 GET_FREQUENT_ITEMSETS Function Return Values
Return Value | Description |
Represents a set of rows of type (itemsets_id NUMBER, items DM_ITEMS, support NUMBER, number_of_items NUMBER) The (attribute_name VARCHAR2(4000), attribute_subname VARCHAR2(4000), attribute_num_value NUMBER, attribute_str_value VARCHAR2(4000)) |
Usage Notes
This table function pipes out rows of type DM_ITEMSETS
. For information on Data Mining data types and piped output from table functions, see "Data Types".
The following example demonstrates an Association model build followed by an invocation of GET_FREQUENT_ITEMSETS
table function from Oracle SQL.
-- prepare a settings table to override default settings CREATE TABLE market_settings AS
FROM TABLE(DBMS_DATA_MINING.GET_DEFAULT_SETTINGS) WHERE setting_name LIKE 'ASSO_%'; BEGIN -- update the value of the minimum confidence UPDATE market_settings SET setting_value = TO_CHAR(0.081) WHERE setting_name = DBMS_DATA_MINING.asso_min_confidence; /* build a AR model */ DBMS_DATA_MINING.CREATE_MODEL( model_name => 'market_model', function => DBMS_DATA_MINING.ASSOCIATION, data_table_name => 'market_build', case_id_column_name => 'item_id', target_column_name => NULL, settings_table_name => 'census_settings'); END; / -- View the (unformatted) Itemsets from SQL*Plus SELECT itemset_id, items, support, number_of_items FROM TABLE(DBMS_DATA_MINING.GET_FREQUENT_ITEMSETS('market_model'));
In the example above, you view all itemsets. To view just the top 20 itemsets, use the following statement:
-- View the top 20 (unformatted) Itemsets from SQL*Plus SELECT itemset_id, items, support, number_of_items FROM TABLE(DBMS_DATA_MINING.GET_FREQUENT_ITEMSETS('market_model', 20));
This function returns the rows of the default scoring matrix associated with the specified model.
By default, this function returns the scoring matrix that was added to the model with the ADD_COST_MATRIX
procedure. If you wish to obtain the cost matrix used to create a model, specify cost_matrix_type_create
as the matrix_type
. See Table 42-45.
See also ADD_COST_MATRIX Procedure.
Table 42-45 GET_MODEL_COST_MATRIX Function Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Name of the model in the form [schema_name.]model_name. If you do not specify a schema, your own schema is used. |
The type of cost matrix.
Return Values
Table 42-46 GET_MODEL_COST_MATRIX Function Return Values
Return Value | Description |
Represents a set of rows of type actual VARCHAR2(4000), predicted VARCHAR2(4000), cost NUMBER) |
Usage Notes
Only Decision Tree models can be built with a cost matrix. If you want to build a Decision Tree model with a cost matrix, specify the cost matrix table name in the CLAS_COST_TABLE_NAME
setting in the settings table for the model. See Table 42-7, "Mining Function Settings".
The cost matrix used to create a Decision Tree model becomes the default scoring matrix for the model. If you want to specify different costs for scoring, you can modify the values in the cost matrix table or you can use the REMOVE_COST_MATRIX
procedure to remove the cost matrix and the ADD_COST_MATRIX
procedure to add a new one
This example returns the scoring cost matrix associated with the Naive Bayes model NB_SH_CLAS_SAMPLE
column actual format a10 column predicted format a10 SELECT * FROM TABLE(dbms_data_mining.get_model_cost_matrix('nb_sh_clas_sample')) ORDER BY predicted, actual; ACTUAL PREDICTED COST ---------- ---------- ----- 0 0 .00 1 0 .75 0 1 .25 1 1 .00
The Adaptive Bayes Network algorithm ABN
algorithm was deprecated in Oracle Data Mining 11g Release 1 (11.1).
Oracle recommends that you do not use deprecated procedures in new applications. Support for deprecated features is for backward compatibility only.
See "Deprecated Subprograms"This table function returns a set of rows that provide the details of an Adaptive Bayes Network model.
Table 42-47 GET_MODEL_DETAILS_ABN Function Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Name of the model in the form [schema_name.]model_name. If you do not specify a schema, your own schema is used. |
Return Values
Table 42-48 GET_MODEL_DETAILS_ABN Function Return Values
Return Value | Description |
Represents a set of rows of type (rule_id INTEGER, antecedent DM_PREDICATES, consequent DM_PREDICATES, rule_support NUMBER) |
The (attribute_name VARCHAR2(4000), attribute_subname VARCHAR2(4000), conditional_operator CHAR(2), /*=,<>,<,>,<=,>=*/ attribute_num_value NUMBER, attribute_str_value VARCHAR2(4000), attribute_support NUMBER, attribute_confidence NUMBER) |
Usage Notes
This table function pipes out rows of type DM_ABN_DETAIL
. For information on Data Mining data types and piped output from table functions, see "Data Types".
This function returns details only for a single feature ABN model.
The following example demonstrates an ABN model build followed by an invocation of GET_MODEL_DETAILS_ABN
table function from Oracle SQL.
BEGIN -- prepare a settings table to override default algorithm and model type CREATE TABLE abn_settings (setting_name VARCHAR2(30), setting_value VARCHAR2(128)); INSERT INTO abn_settings VALUES (DBMS_DATA_MINING.ALGO_NAME, DBMS_DATA_MINING.ALGO_ADAPTIVE_BAYES_NETWORK); INSERT INTO abn_settings VALUES (DBMS_DATA_MINING.ABNS_MODEL_TYPE, DBMS_DATA_MINING.ABNS_SINGLE_FEATURE); COMMIT; -- create a model DBMS_DATA_MINING.CREATE_MODEL ( model_name => 'abn_model', function => DBMS_DATA_MINING.CLASSIFICATION, data_table_name => 'abn_build', case_id_column_name => 'id', target_column_name => NULL, settings_table_name => 'abn_settings'); END; / -- View the (unformatted) results from SQL*Plus SELECT * FROM TABLE(DBMS_DATA_MINING.GET_MODEL_DETAILS_ABN('abn_model'));
This table function returns a set of rows that provide the details of an Attribute Importance model.
Table 42-49 GET_MODEL_DETAILS_AI Function Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Name of the model in the form [schema_name.]model_name. If you do not specify a schema, your own schema is used. |
Return Values
Table 42-50 GET_MODEL_DETAILS_AI Function Return Values
Return Value | Description |
Represents a set of rows of type (attribute_name VARCHAR2(4000, attribute_subname VARCHAR2(4000), importance_value NUMBER, rank NUMBER(38)) |
This table function returns the coefficient statistics for a Generalized Linear Model.
The same set of statistics is returned for both linear and logistic regression, but statistics that do not apply to the mining function are returned as NULL
. For more details, see the Usage Notes.
Table 42-51 GET_MODEL_DETAILS_GLM Function Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Name of the model in the form [schema_name.]model_name. If you do not specify a schema, your own schema is used. |
Return Values
Table 42-52 GET_MODEL_DETAILS_GLM Return Values
Return Value | Description |
Represents a set of rows of type (class VARCHAR2(4000), attribute_name VARCHAR2(4000), attribute_subname VARCHAR2(4000), attribute_value VARCHAR2(4000), coefficient NUMBER, std_error NUMBER, test_statistic NUMBER, p_value NUMBER, VIF NUMBER, std_coefficient NUMBER, lower_coeff_limit NUMBER, upper_coeff_limit NUMBER, exp_coefficient BINARY_DOUBLE, exp_lower_coeff_limit BINARY_DOUBLE, exp_upper_coeff_limit BINARY_DOUBLE) |
returns a row of statistics for each attribute and one extra row for the intercept, which is identified by a null value in the attribute name. Each row has the DM_GLM_COEFF
data type. The statistics are described in Table 42-53.
Table 42-53 DM_GLM_COEFF Data Type Description
Column | Description |
The non-reference target class for logistic regression. The model is built to predict the probability of this class. The other class (the reference class) is specified in the model setting For linear regression, |
The attribute name when there is no subname, or first part of the attribute name when there is a subname. The value of For the intercept, |
The name of an attribute in a nested table. The full name of a nested attribute has the form:
where If the attribute is not nested, |
The value of the attribute (categorical attribute only). For numerical attributes, |
The linear coefficient estimate. |
Standard error of the coefficient estimate. |
For linear regression, the t-value of the coefficient estimate. For logistic regression, the Wald chi-square value of the coefficient estimate. |
Probability of the |
Variance Inflation Factor. The value is zero for the intercept. For logistic regression, |
Standardized estimate of the coefficient. |
Lower confidence bound of the coefficient. |
Upper confidence bound of the coefficient. |
Exponentiated coefficient for logistic regression. For linear regression, |
Exponentiated coefficient for lower confidence bound of the coefficient for logistic regression. For linear regression, |
Exponentiated coefficient for upper confidence bound of the coefficient for logistic regression. For linear regression, |
Usage Notes
Not all statistics are necessarily returned for each coefficient. Statistics will be null if:
They do not apply to the mining function. For example, exp_coefficient
does not apply to linear regression.
They cannot be computed from a theoretical standpoint. For example, when ridge regression is enabled, the coefficient values are returned with no statistics except VIF if it is enabled. (For information on ridge regression, see Table 42-11, "GLM Settings".)
They cannot be computed because of limitations in system resources.
Their values would be infinity.
This table function returns statistics about the model as a whole. Global details are available for GLM and for association rules.
Separate global details are returned for linear and logistic regression. When ridge regression is enabled, fewer global details are returned. For information about ridge, see Table 42-11, "GLM Settings".
Table 42-54 GET_MODEL_DETAILS_GLOBAL Function Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Name of the model in the form [schema_name.]model_name. If you do not specify a schema, your own schema is used. |
Return Values
Table 42-55 GET_MODEL_DETAILS_GLOBAL Function Return Values
Return Value | Description |
A collection of rows of type (global_detail_name VARCHAR2(30), global_detail_value NUMBER) |
Global Details for GLM: Linear Regression
Table 42-56 Global Details for Linear Regression
GLOBAL_DETAIL_NAME | Description |
Model degrees of freedom |
Model sum of squares |
Model mean square |
Model F value statistic |
Model F value probability |
Error degrees of freedom |
Error sum of squares |
Error mean square |
Corrected total degrees of freedom |
Corrected total sum of squares |
Root mean square error |
Dependent mean |
Coefficient of variation |
R-Square |
Adjusted R-Square |
Akaike's information criterion |
Schwarz's Bayesian information criterion |
Estimated mean square error of the prediction, assuming multivariate normality |
Hocking Sp statistic |
JP statistic (the final prediction error) |
Number of parameters (the number of coefficients, including the intercept) |
Number of rows |
Whether or not the model converged. Value is |
Valid covariance matrix. Value is |
Global Details for GLM: Logistic Regression
Table 42-57 Global Details for Logistic Regression
GLOBAL_DETAIL_NAME | Description |
Akaike's criterion for the fit of the intercept only model |
Akaike's criterion for the fit of the intercept and the covariates (predictors) mode |
Schwarz's Criterion for the fit of the intercept only model |
Schwarz's Criterion for the fit of the intercept and the covariates (predictors) model |
-2 log likelihood of the intercept only model |
-2 log likelihood of the model |
Likelihood ratio degrees of freedom |
Likelihood ratio chi-square value |
Likelihood ratio chi-square probability value |
Pseudo R-square Cox and Snell |
Pseudo R-square Nagelkerke |
Dependent mean |
Percent of correct predictions |
Percent of incorrectly predicted rows |
Percent of cases where probability for both cases is the same |
Number of parameters (the number of coefficients, including the intercept) |
Number of rows |
Whether or not the model converged. Value is |
Valid covariance matrix. Value is |
Global Detail for Association Rules
A single global detail is produced by an Association model.
Table 42-58 Global Detail for Association Rules
GLOBAL_DETAIL_NAME | Description |
The number of association rules in the model. |
This table function returns a set of rows that provide the details of a k-Means clustering model.
You can provide input to GET_MODEL_DETAILS_KM
to request specific information about the model, thus improving the performance of the query. If you do not specify filtering parameters, GET_MODEL_DETAILS_KM
returns all the information about the model.
Table 42-59 GET_MODEL_DETAILS_KM Function Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Name of the model in the form [schema_name.]model_name. If you do not specify a schema, your own schema is used. |
The ID of a cluster in the model. When a valid cluster ID is specified, only the details of this cluster are returned. Otherwise the details for all clusters are returned. |
The name of an attribute. When a valid attribute name is specified, only the details of this attribute are returned. Otherwise the details for all attributes are returned |
This parameter accepts the following values:
This parameter accepts the following values:
This parameter accepts the following values:
Return Values
Table 42-60 GET_MODEL_DETAILS_KM Function Return Values
Return Value | Description |
Represents a set of rows of type (id NUMBER, cluster_id VARCHAR2(4000), record_count NUMBER, parent NUMBER, tree_level NUMBER, dispersion NUMBER, split_predicate DM_PREDICATES, child DM_CHILDREN, centroid DM_CENTROIDS, histogram DM_HISTOGRAMS, rule DM_RULE) |
The (attribute_name VARCHAR2(4000), attribute_subname VARCHAR2(4000), conditional_operator CHAR(2) /*=,<>,<,>,<=,>=*/, attribute_num_value NUMBER, attribute_str_value VARCHAR2(4000), attribute_support NUMBER, attribute_confidence NUMBER) |
The |
The (attribute_name VARCHAR2(4000), attribute_subname VARCHAR2(4000), mean NUMBER, mode_value VARCHAR2(4000), variance NUMBER) |
The (attribute_name VARCHAR2(4000), attribute_subname VARCHAR2(4000), bin_id NUMBER, lower_bound NUMBER, upper_bound NUMBER, label VARCHAR2(4000), count NUMBER) |
The (rule_id INTEGER, antecedent DM_PREDICATES, consequent DM_PREDICATES, rule_support NUMBER, rule_confidence NUMBER, rule_lift NUMBER, antecedent_support NUMBER, consequent_support NUMBER, number_of_items INTEGER) |
The (attribute_name VARCHAR2(4000), attribute_subname VARCHAR2(4000), conditional_operator CHAR(2)/*=,<>,<,>,<=,>=*/, attribute_num_value NUMBER, attribute_str_value VARCHAR2(4000), attribute_support NUMBER, attribute_confidence NUMBER) |
Usage Notes
The table function pipes out rows of type DM_CLUSTERS
. For information on Data Mining data types and piped output from table functions, see "Data Types".
The following example demonstrates a k-Means clustering model build followed by an invocation of GET_MODEL_DETAILS_KM
table function from Oracle SQL.
-- create a settings table
UPDATE cluster_settings
SET setting_value = 3
/* build a k-Means clustering model */
model_name => 'eight_clouds',
data_table_name => 'eight_clouds_build',
case_id_column_name => 'id',
target_column_name => NULL,
settings_table_name => 'cluster_settings');
-- View the (unformatted) rules from SQL*Plus
SELECT id, record_count, parent, tree_level, dispersion,
child, centroid, histogram, rule
This table function returns a set of rows that provide the details of a Naive Bayes model.
Table 42-61 GET_MODEL_DETAILS_NB Function Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Name of the model in the form [schema_name.]model_name. If you do not specify a schema, your own schema is used. |
Return Values
Table 42-62 GET_MODEL_DETAILS_NB Function Return Values
Return Value | Description |
Represents a set of rows of type (target_attribute_name VARCHAR2(30), target_attribute_str_value VARCHAR2(4000), target_attribute_num_value NUMBER, prior_probability NUMBER, conditionals DM_CONDITIONALS) |
The (attribute_name VARCHAR2(4000), attribute_subname VARCHAR2(4000), attribute_str_value VARCHAR2(4000), attribute_num_value NUMBER, conditional_probability NUMBER) |
Usage Notes
The table function pipes out rows of type DM_NB_DETAILS
. For information on Data Mining data types and piped output from table functions, see "Data Types".
Assume that you have built a classification model census_model
using the Naive Bayes algorithm. You can retrieve the model details as shown in this example.
-- You can view the Naive Bayes model details in many ways -- Consult the Oracle Application Developer's Guide - -- Object-Relational Features for different ways of -- accessing Oracle Objects. -- View the (unformatted) details from SQL*Plus SELECT attribute_name, attribute_num_value, attribute_str_value, prior_probability, conditionals, FROM TABLE(DBMS_DATA_MINING.GET_MODEL_DETAILS_NB('census_model');
See nbdemo.sql
for generation of formatted rules.
This table function returns a set of rows that provide the details of a Non-Negative Matrix Factorization model.
Table 42-63 GET_MODEL_DETAILS_NMF Function Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Name of the model in the form [schema_name.]model_name. If you do not specify a schema, your own schema is used. |
Return Values
Table 42-64 GET_MODEL_DETAILS_NMF Function Return Values
Return Value | Description |
Represents a set of rows of (feature_id NUMBER, mapped_feature_id VARCHAR2(4000), attribute_set DM_NMF_ATTRIBUTE_SET) |
The (attribute_name VARCHAR2(4000), attribute_subname VARCHAR2(4000), attribute_value VARCHAR2(4000), coefficient NUMBER) |
Usage Notes
The table function pipes out rows of type DM_NMF_FEATURE_SET
. For information on Data Mining data types and piped output from table functions, see "Data Types".
Assume you have built an NMF model called my_nmf_model
. You can retrieve model details as shown:
--View (unformatted) details from SQL*Plus SELECT feature_id, attribute_set FROM TABLE(DBMS_DATA_MINING.GET_MODEL_DETAILS_NMF( 'my_nmf_model'));
This table function returns a set of rows that provide the details of an O-Cluster clustering model. The rows are an enumeration of the clustering patterns generated during the creation of the model.
You can provide input to GET_MODEL_DETAILS_OC
to request specific information about the model, thus improving the performance of the query. If you do not specify filtering parameters, GET_MODEL_DETAILS_OC
returns all the information about the model.
Table 42-65 GET_MODEL_DETAILS_OC Function Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Name of the model in the form [schema_name.]model_name. If you do not specify a schema, your own schema is used. |
The ID of a cluster in the model. When a valid cluster ID is specified, only the details of this cluster are returned. Otherwise the details for all clusters are returned. |
The name of an attribute. When a valid attribute name is specified, only the details of this attribute are returned. Otherwise the details for all attributes are returned |
This parameter accepts the following values:
This parameter accepts the following values:
This parameter accepts the following values:
Return Values
Table 42-66 GET_MODEL_DETAILS_OC Function Return Values
Return Value | Description |
Represents a set of rows of type (id NUMBER, cluster_id VARCHAR2(4000), record_count NUMBER, parent NUMBER, tree_level NUMBER, dispersion NUMBER, split_predicate DM_PREDICATES, child DM_CHILDREN, centroid DM_CENTROIDS, histogram DM_HISTOGRAMS, rule DM_RULE) |
The (attribute_name VARCHAR2(4000), attribute_subname VARCHAR2(4000), conditional_operator CHAR(2) /*=,<>,<,>,<=,>=*/, attribute_num_value NUMBER, attribute_str_value VARCHAR2(4000), attribute_support NUMBER, attribute_confidence NUMBER) |
The |
The (attribute_name VARCHAR2(4000), attribute_subname VARCHAR2(4000), mean NUMBER, mode_value VARCHAR2(4000), variance NUMBER) |
The (attribute_name VARCHAR2(4000), attribute_subname VARCHAR2(4000), bin_id NUMBER, lower_bound NUMBER, upper_bound NUMBER, label VARCHAR2(4000), count NUMBER) |
The (rule_id INTEGER, antecedent DM_PREDICATES, consequent DM_PREDICATES, rule_support NUMBER, rule_confidence NUMBER, rule_lift NUMBER, antecedent_support NUMBER, consequent_support NUMBER, number_of_items INTEGER) |
The (attribute_name VARCHAR2(4000), attribute_subname VARCHAR2(4000), conditional_operator CHAR(2)/*=,<>,<,>,<=,>=*/, attribute_num_value NUMBER, attribute_str_value VARCHAR2(4000), attribute_support NUMBER, attribute_confidence NUMBER) |
Usage Notes
The table function pipes out rows of type DM_CLUSTER
. For information about Data Mining data types and piped output from table functions, see "Data Types".
Assume you have built an OC model called my_oc_model
. You can retrieve information from the model details as shown:
--View (unformatted) details from SQL*Plus SELECT clu_id, T.record_count rec_cnt, T.parent parent, T.tree_level tree_level FROM (SELECT * FROM TABLE(DBMS_DATA_MINING.GET_MODEL_DETAILS_OC( 'my_oc_model')) ORDER BY id) T WHERE ROWNUM < 11;
This table function returns a set of rows that provide the details of a linear Support Vector Machine (SVM) model. If invoked for nonlinear SVM, it returns ORA-40215
In linear SVM models, only nonzero coefficients are stored. This reduces storage and speeds up model loading. As a result, if an attribute is missing in the coefficient list returned by GET_MODEL_DETAILS_SVM
, then the coefficient of this attribute should be interpreted as zero.
Table 42-67 GET_MODEL_DETAILS_SVM Function Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Name of the model in the form [schema_name.]model_name. If you do not specify a schema, your own schema is used. |
Whether or not When When See Usage Note 4. |
Return Values
Table 42-68 GET_MODEL_DETAILS_SVM Function Return Values
Return Value | Description |
Represents a set of rows of type (class VARCHAR2(4000), attribute_set DM_SVM_ATTRIBUTE_SET) |
The (attribute_name VARCHAR2(4000), attribute_subname VARCHAR2(4000), attribute_value VARCHAR2(4000), coefficient NUMBER) See Usage Notes. |
Usage Notes
This table function pipes out rows of type DM_SVM_LINEAR_COEFF
. For information on Data Mining data types and piped output from table functions, see "Data Types".
The class
contains classification target values. For SVM regression models, class
is null. For each classification target value, a set of coefficients is returned. For binary classification, one-class classifion, and regression models, only a single set of coefficients is returned.
The attribute_value
is used for categorical attributes.
functions preserve model transparency by automatically reversing the transformations applied during the build process. Thus the attributes returned in the model details are the original attributes (or a close approximation of the original attributes) used to build the model.
The coefficients are related to the transformed, not the original, attributes. When returned directly with the model details, the coefficients may not provide meaningful information. If you want GET_MODEL_DETAILS_SVM
to transform the coefficients such that they relate to the original attributes, set the reverse_coef
parameter to 1.
The following example demonstrates an SVM model build followed by an invocation of GET_MODEL_DETAILS_SVM
table function from Oracle SQL:
-- Create SVM model BEGIN dbms_data_mining.create_model( model_name => 'SVM_Clas_sample', mining_function => dbms_data_mining.classification, data_table_name => 'svmc_sample_build_prepared', case_id_column_name => 'id', target_column_name => 'affinity_card', settings_table_name => 'svmc_sample_settings'); END; / -- Display model details SELECT * FROM TABLE(DBMS_DATA_MINING.GET_MODEL_DETAILS_SVM('SVM_Clas_sample')) ORDER BY class;
This function returns an XML object that provides the details of a Decision Tree model.
Table 42-69 GET_MODEL_DETAILS_XML Function Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Name of the model in the form [schema_name.]model_name. If you do not specify a schema, your own schema is used. |
Return Values
Table 42-70 GET_MODEL_DETAILS_XML Function Return Value
Return Value | Description |
The XML definition for the decision tree model. The XML conforms to the Data Mining Group Predictive Model Markup Language (PMML) version 2.1 specification. The specification is available at |
Usage Notes
Special characters that cannot be displayed by Oracle XML are converted to '#'.
The following statements in SQL*Plus return the details of the decision tree model dt_sh_clas_sample
. This model is created by the program dmdtdemo.sql
, one of the sample data mining programs provided with Oracle Database Examples.
Note: The """ characters you will see in the XML output are a result of SQL*Plus behavior. To display the XML in proper format, cut and past it into a file and open the file in a browser.
column dt_details format a320 EXEC dbms_xdb_print.setPrintMode(dbms_xdb_print.PRINT_PRETTY, 2); SELECT dbms_data_mining.get_model_details_xml('dt_sh_clas_sample') AS DT_DETAILS FROM dual; DT_DETAILS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <PMML version="2.1"> <Header copyright="Copyright (c) 2004, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved."/> <DataDictionary numberOfFields="9"> <DataField name="AFFINITY_CARD" optype="categorical"/> <DataField name="AGE" optype="continuous"/> <DataField name="BOOKKEEPING_APPLICATION" optype="continuous"/> <DataField name="CUST_MARITAL_STATUS" optype="categorical"/> <DataField name="EDUCATION" optype="categorical"/> <DataField name="HOUSEHOLD_SIZE" optype="categorical"/> <DataField name="OCCUPATION" optype="categorical"/> <DataField name="YRS_RESIDENCE" optype="continuous"/> <DataField name="Y_BOX_GAMES" optype="continuous"/> </DataDictionary> <TreeModel modelName="DT_SH_CLAS_SAMPLE" functionName="classification" splitCharacteristic="binarySplit"> <Extension name="buildSettings"> <Setting name="TREE_IMPURITY_METRIC" value="TREE_IMPURITY_GINI"/> <Setting name="TREE_TERM_MAX_DEPTH" value="7"/> <Setting name="TREE_TERM_MINPCT_NODE" value=".05"/> <Setting name="TREE_TERM_MINPCT_SPLIT" value=".1"/> <Setting name="TREE_TERM_MINREC_NODE" value="10"/> <Setting name="TREE_TERM_MINREC_SPLIT" value="20"/> <costMatrix> <costElement> <actualValue>0</actualValue> <predictedValue>0</predictedValue> <cost>0</cost> </costElement> <costElement> <actualValue>0</actualValue> <predictedValue>1</predictedValue> <cost>1</cost> </costElement> <costElement> <actualValue>1</actualValue> <predictedValue>0</predictedValue> <cost>8</cost> </costElement> <costElement> <actualValue>1</actualValue> <predictedValue>1</predictedValue> <cost>0</cost> </costElement> </costMatrix> </Extension> <MiningSchema> . . . . . . </Node> </Node> </TreeModel> </PMML>
function was deprecated in Oracle Data Mining 11g Release 1 (11.1). It was replaced with the data dictionary view *_MINING_MODEL_SETTINGS
, ALL_
, and DBA_
versions of the view are available. See Oracle Data Mining Application Developer's Guide.
Oracle recommends that you do not use deprecated procedures in new applications. Support for deprecated features is for backward compatibility only.
See "Deprecated Subprograms"This table function returns the list of settings that were used to build the model.
Table 42-71 GET_MODEL_SETTINGS Function Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Name of the model in the form [schema_name.]model_name. If you do not specify a schema, your own schema is used. |
Return Values
Table 42-72 GET_MODEL_SETTINGS Function Return Values
Return Value | Description |
Represents a set of rows of type (setting_name VARCHAR2(30), setting_value VARCHAR2(128)) |
Usage Notes
The table function pipes out rows of type DM_MODEL_SETTING. For information about Data Mining data types and piped output from table functions, see "Data Types".
You can use this table function to determine the settings that were used to build the model. This is purely for informational purposes only — you cannot alter the model to adopt new settings.
Assume that you have built a classification model census_model
using the Naive Bayes algorithm. You can retrieve the model settings using Oracle SQL as follows:
SELECT setting_name, setting_value FROM TABLE(DBMS_DATA_MINING.GET_MODEL_SETTINGS('census_model'));
function was deprecated in Oracle Data Mining 11g Release 1 (11.1). It was replaced with the data dictionary view *_MINING_MODEL_ATTRIBUTES
, ALL_
, and DBA_
versions of the view are available. See Oracle Data Mining Application Developer's Guide.
Oracle recommends that you do not use deprecated procedures in new applications. Support for deprecated features is for backward compatibility only.
See "Deprecated Subprograms"This table function returns the model signature, which lists the column attributes used to build the model and which should be present in the scoring data.
The case identifier is not considered a mining attribute. For classification and regression models, the target attribute is also not considered part of the model signature.
See Also:
Instead of using theGET_MODEL_SIGNATURE
function, you can query the data dictionary view, ALL_MINING_MODEL_ATTRIBUTES
. See the Oracle Data Mining Application Developer's Guide.Syntax
Table 42-73 GET_MODEL_SIGNATURE Function Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Name of the model in the form [schema_name.]model_name. If you do not specify a schema, your own schema is used. |
Return Values
Table 42-74 GET_MODEL_SIGNATURE Function Return Values
Return Value | Description |
Represents a set of rows of type (attribute_name VARCHAR2(30), attribute_type VARCHAR2(106)) |
Usage Notes
This table function pipes out rows of type DM_MODEL_SIGNATURE
. For information on Data Mining data types and piped output from table functions, see "Data Types".
Assume that you have built a classification model census_model
using the Naive Bayes algorithm. You can retrieve the model details using Oracle SQL as follows:
SELECT attribute_name, attribute_type FROM TABLE(DBMS_DATA_MINING.GET_MODEL_SIGNATURE('census_model');
This function returns the transformation definitions associated with a model.
The data is transformed and the transformation definitions are embedded in the model during the model training (create) process. The transformations can be automatically generated, user-specified, or both.
Table 42-75 GET_MODEL_TRANSFORMATIONS Function Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Name of the model in the form [schema_name.]model_name. If you do not specify a schema, your own schema is used. |
Return Values
Table 42-76 GET_MODEL_TRANSFORMATIONS Function Return Values
Return Value | Description |
Represents a set of rows of type (attribute_name VARCHAR2(4000), attribute_subname VARCHAR2(4000), expression CLOB, reverse_expression CLOB) |
In addition to the transformation definitions, GET_MODEL_TRANSFORMATIONS
returns the reverse transformation definitions. The reverse transformations are applied to the model attributes returned by the GET_MODEL_DETAILS
functions. They are also applied to the target when a predictive model is applied. Reverse transformations enable model transparency, meaning that attribute information generated by the model is in its original, untransformed state, to the extent that it is possible.
This function is used to convert a transformation specification from type DM_TRANSFORMS
is used to output model transforms that are returned from the GET_MODEL_TRANSFORMATIONS
and functions in the DBMS_DATA_MINING_TRANSFORM
package accept TRANSFORM_LIST
. To use them on the output of GET_MODEL_TANSFORMATIONS
, you must first call GET_TRANSFORM_LIST
to convert to TRANSFORM_LIST
Table 42-77 GET_TRANSFORM_LIST Procedure Parameters
Parameter | Description |
The transformation specification converted from |
A transformation specification returned by |
This procedure imports the specified data mining models from a dump file set that was created with EXPORT_MODEL
or with the expdp
export utility. Both IMPORT_MODEL
use Oracle Data Pump technology.
See Also:
Oracle Data Mining Administrator's Guide for more information on model export and importSyntax
Table 42-78 IMPORT_MODEL Procedure Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Name of the dump file set from which the models should be imported. The dump file set must have been created by the The dump file set can contain one or more files. (Refer to "EXPORT_MODEL Procedure" for details.) If the dump file set contains multiple files, you can specify |
Name of a pre-defined directory object that specifies where the dump file set is located. You must have read/write privileges on the directory object and on the file system directory that it identifies. |
Optional parameter that specifies one or more models to import. If you do not specify a value for The value of 'mymodel1' 'name IN (''mymodel2'',''mymodel3'')' The first causes |
Optional parameter that specifies whether to import the models or the SQL statements that create the models. By default, the models are imported. You can specify either of the following values for
Optional parameter not used in this release. Set to |
Optional parameter that specifies the name of the import job. By default, the name has the form If you specify a job name, it must be unique within the schema. The maximum length of the job name is 30 characters. A log file for the import job, named |
Optional parameter for importing into a different schema. By default, models are exported and imported within the same schema. If the dump file set belongs to a different schema, you must specify a schema mapping in the form NOTE: In some cases, you may need to have the |
This example shows a model being exported and imported within the schema dmuser2
. Then the same model is imported into the dmuser3
schema. The dmuser3
SQL> connect dmuser2 Enter password: dmuser2_password Connected. SQL> select model_name from user_mining_models; MODEL_NAME ------------------------------ NMF_SH_SAMPLE SVMO_SH_CLAS_SAMPLE SVMR_SH_REGR_SAMPLE -- export the model called NMF_SH_SAMPLE to a dump file in same schema SQL>EXECUTE DBMS_DATA_MINING.EXPORT_MODEL ('NMF_SH_SAMPLE_out', 'DATA_PUMP_DIR', 'name = ''NMF_SH_SAMPLE'''); -- import the model back into the same schema SQL>EXECUTE DBMS_DATA_MINING.IMPORT_MODEL ('NMF_SH_SAMPLE_out01.dmp', 'DATA_PUMP_DIR', 'name = ''NMF_SH_SAMPLE'''); -- connect as different user -- import same model into that schema SQL> connect dmuser3 Enter password: dmuser3_password Connected. SQL>EXECUTE DBMS_DATA_MINING.IMPORT_MODEL ('NMF_SH_SAMPLE_out01.dmp', 'DATA_PUMP_DIR', 'name = ''NMF_SH_SAMPLE''', 'IMPORT', NULL, 'nmf_imp_job', 'dmuser2:dmuser3');
The following example shows user MARY
importing all models from a dump file, model_exp_001.dmp
, which was created by user SCOTT
. The dump file is located in the file system directory mapped to a directory object called DM_DUMP
. If user MARY
privileges, IMPORT_MODEL
will raise an error.
-- import all models DECLARE file_name VARCHAR2(40); BEGIN file_name := 'model_exp_001.dmp'; DBMS_DATA_MINING.IMPORT_MODEL( filename=>file_name, directory=>'DM_DUMP', schema_remap=>'SCOTT:MARY'); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE( 'DBMS_DATA_MINING.IMPORT_MODEL of all models from SCOTT done!'); END; /
This procedure ranks the results of an APPLY
operation based on a top-N specification for predictive and descriptive model results. For classification models, you can provide a cost matrix as input, and obtain the ranked results with costs applied to the predictions.
DBMS_DATA_MINING.RANK_APPLY ( apply_result_table_name IN VARCHAR2, case_id_column_name IN VARCHAR2, score_column_name IN VARCHAR2, score_criterion_column_name IN VARCHAR2, ranked_apply_table_name IN VARCHAR2, top_N IN INTEGER DEFAULT 1, cost_matrix_table_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, apply_result_schema_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, cost_matrix_schema_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);
Table 42-79 RANK_APPLY Procedure Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Name of the table or view containing the results of an |
Name of the case identifier column. This must be the same as the one used for generating |
Name of the prediction column in the apply results table |
Name of the probability column in the apply results table |
Name of the table containing the ranked apply results |
Top N predictions to be considered from the |
Name of the cost matrix table |
Name of the schema hosting the |
Name of the schema hosting the cost matrix table |
Usage Notes
You can use RANK_APPLY
to generate ranked apply results, based on a top-N filter and also with application of cost for predictions, if the model was built with costs.
The behavior of RANK_APPLY
is similar to that of APPLY
with respect to other DDL-like operations such as CREATE_MODEL
. The procedure does not depend on the model; the only input of relevance is the apply results generated in a fixed schema table from APPLY
The main intended use of RANK_APPLY
is for the generation of the final APPLY
results against the scoring data in a production setting. You can apply the model against test data using APPLY
, compute various test metrics against various cost matrix tables, and use the candidate cost matrix for RANK_APPLY
The schema for the apply results from each of the supported algorithms is listed in subsequent sections. The case_id
column will be the same case identifier column as that of the apply results.
For numerical targets, the ranked results table will have the definition as shown:
prediction NUMBER,
probability NUMBER,
cost NUMBER,
For categorical targets, the ranked results table will have the following definition:
prediction VARCHAR2,
probability NUMBER,
cost NUMBER,
Clustering is an unsupervised mining function, and hence there are no targets. The results of an APPLY
operation contains simply the cluster identifier corresponding to a case, and the associated probability. Cost matrix is not considered here. The ranked results table will have the definition as shown, and contains the cluster ids ranked by top-N
cluster_id NUMBER,
probability NUMBER,
Feature extraction is also an unsupervised mining function, and hence there are no targets. The results of an APPLY
operation contains simply the feature identifier corresponding to a case, and the associated match quality. Cost matrix is not considered here. The ranked results table will have the definition as shown, and contains the feature ids ranked by top-N
feature_id NUMBER,
match_quality NUMBER,
BEGIN /* build a model with name census_model. * (See example under CREATE_MODEL) */ /* if training data was pre-processed in any manner, * perform the same pre-processing steps on apply * data also. * (See examples in the section on DBMS_DATA_MINING_TRANSFORM) */ /* apply the model to data to be scored */ DBMS_DATA_MINING.RANK_APPLY( apply_result_table_name => 'census_apply_result', case_id_column_name => 'person_id', score_column_name => 'prediction', score_criterion_column_name => 'probability ranked_apply_result_tab_name => 'census_ranked_apply_result', top_N => 3, cost_matrix_table_name => 'census_cost_matrix'); END; / -- View Ranked Apply Results SELECT * FROM census_ranked_apply_result;
Removes the default scoring matrix from a classification model.
Table 42-80 Remove_Cost_Matrix Procedure Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Name of the model in the form [schema_name.]model_name. If you do not specify a schema, your own schema is used. |
Usage Notes
If the model is not in your schema, then REMOVE_COST_MATRIX
system privilege or the ALTER
object privilege for the mining model.
The Naive Bayes model NB_SH_CLAS_SAMPLE
has an associated cost matrix that can be used for scoring the model.
SQL>SELECT * FROM TABLE(dbms_data_mining.get_model_cost_matrix('nb_sh_clas_sample')) ORDER BY predicted, actual; ACTUAL PREDICTED COST ---------- ---------- ---------- 0 0 0 1 0 .75 0 1 .25 1 1 0
You can remove the cost matrix with REMOVE_COST_MATRIX
SQL>EXECUTE dbms_data_mining.remove_cost_matrix('nb_sh_clas_sample'); SQL>SELECT * FROM TABLE(dbms_data_mining.get_model_cost_matrix('nb_sh_clas_sample')) ORDER BY predicted, actual; no rows selected
This procedure renames a mining model to a new name that you specify.
The model name is in the form [schema_name.]model_name. If you do not specify a schema, your own schema is used. For mining model naming restrictions, see "Mining Model Naming Restrictions".
Table 42-81 RENAME_MODEL Procedure Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Old name of the model |
New name of the model. |
Usage Notes
operation is using a model, and you attempt to rename the model during that time, the RENAME
will succeed and APPLY
will return indeterminate results.
Assume the existence of a model census_model
. The following example shows how to rename this model.
BEGIN DBMS_DATA_MINING.RENAME_MODEL( model_name => 'census_model', new_model_name => 'census_new_model'); END; /